Thnks Ottery,Danismine and Raazia and Hey Draco's Gurl, All new readers are welcome.
As i Said,Heres the Post
Chapter 2- Friends Reunited
’And I think we should go to the Burrow by floo powder instead of apparating, I daresay that I enjoy it, but its useful. Here, take this’, Lupin said handing Harry some floo powder as they walked next to the fire.
’You first,’ Lupin said pushing Harry closer to the fire.
Harry threw the powder into the fire which turned an emerald green and said clearly “The Burrow”.
The smell of dust from Grimmauld Plc never left him as a new smell of food spread the room.
Harry was stood in the kitchen of the Weasleys Home as Mrs Weasley turned around noticing Harry.
’Harry, How are you? We are so sorry about what happened on the station.’ Harry was going to ask what happened on the station but then the memory flooded back into him.
The train had just stopped and Ron and Hermione said that they would stay with Harry. When Harry went to ask Uncle Vernon if his friend could stay with him Vernon didn’t say anything. He walked up to Ron and Hermione and stared at them, looking as if checking if it was a joke. Harry thought, for once in his life, uncle Vernon would let Harry have proper friends. Maybe he would say something like ‘yeah, sure, the car is over there’ but instead, he said ‘Isn’t one of your type enough?’
Harry was sure that if he had asked Aunt Petunia she would say yes. As a result of ‘cheek’ and Uncle Vernon called it, Harry had to survive the summer without any electricity, Only 2 meals of tinned food and a slice of lemon. Surprisingly, when Vernon wasn’t in the house, Petunia would give Harry extra food.
Remus Lupin had just apparated into the room.
’I thought you were using floo’, Harry asked.
’I had an errand to do, but now I am finished, Hello Molly, is Tonks here?’
There was no need for Mrs Weasley to answer this though because Tonks had just appeared at the door.
Mrs Weasley told Harry to leave them because they had something special to arrange.
’Well Harry, how are you?’ Mrs Weasley asked again.
’I am fine, thanks, how is everyone?’
’To tell you the truth, the only one that’s changed is Bill, but he’s not going to be a proper werewolf’.
’Yeah, Ron mentioned that, in a letter’ Harry added as Mrs Weasley’s eyes narrowed.
’Well, everyone is upstairs, preparing for the wedding; they will all be in Ron’s room.’ She said walking back into the kitchen.
What dya think, i might post sum more by wednesday depending on school,