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Old 11-15-2003, 09:56 PM   #140 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

x7 x8
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

New and improved...

"It isn't fair," Lavender Brown murmured to herself. All the other Gryffs were happily completing homework or planning dangerous escapades or declawing their cats. Several were chasing chickens that had mysteriously appeared and should not be mentioned anymore in this fic (but that isn't a promise). But back to Lavender's internal rant...

"Everyone else has these amazing adventures and has fics written about them. I've only had about one line so far and the author keeps sticking me in the background. I'm interesting. I'm pretty. I'm... what am I talking about? Oh, yeah... I deserve my own fic!"

The author, tired of the Hogwarts prima donnas and resolving to set her fic somewhere in a galaxy far far away, rolled her eyes. "Psst... Lavender. Lavender...! If you want a fic about you, you need to do something interesting." With that, the author leaned back, resolved not to talk anymore because it just isn't DONE, and watched the fic unfold.

Lavender, ever the optimist, immediately perked up at this bit of information. She jumped out of the chair, picked up a chicken, and headed for the door.

"Hey, Lav, where you going?" Seamus asked, all of their attention grabbed by Lavender talking to herself then leaping about the room with a chicken in hand.

"I'm taking this chicken to go and feed to the basilisk in a show of reckless danger and adventurous spirit. Then they'll let me be important in a story."

Harry gave her "the look." "First, that plot line was already done. It isn't even creative, because it was done yesterday. Second, I wouldn't do anything to the chickens. We're supposed to ignore them. They belong to Cassirin, and she's still mourning the one that died yesterday."

Lav threw the chicken at a wall in a fit of temper and lost about 10 points from the author... who just realized she wasn't even keeping score. "Fine, then... I'll become the ultimate school prankster and put everyone to shame with my creative and vindictive talents."

"Um... yeah, about that," Ginny interrupted. "Also been quite overdone in various fanfictions. And it's really hard to surprise us when you've just announced your intentions of going evil."

Lav kicked the poor defenseless chicken that wandered too close. The author closed her eyes and counted to twenty. Then thirty. Then she thwipped Lavender on the ear.

While Lav rubbed her now red ear, Hermione spoke up. "Lavender, maybe you are trying to hard. Why don't you go with your strengths?"

Her brow creased momentarily, and then she shouted, "I know! I'll go with my strengths." And she ran from the Common Room.
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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