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Old 09-27-2005, 08:04 PM   #128 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by OtterySt.Catchpole
*glomps Si* What's wrong? If anyone's being mean to you I'll go grrrrrr on their sorry bums! And I'll sick Teddy on them too. *glomps Si*
Aw thanks for offering! *MAJOR glompage to Ottery* no one's being mean. Just drama. WAY too much drama. *kills Drama with an iron fist* Hehe Teddy can do some major damage XD. *hugs Teddy because he could be a future minion*

AW! Loved the update! Casablanca=LOVE. Seriously. Looking forward to the next update my sweetie! <3
was this life a gift or a burden?
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