Originally Posted by harry_luvr
Adz grinned as she started her potion. This was no problem - potions was her fave subject and she had been making potions since she was four years old - it was a natural gift which had been well earned through a lot of hard work and effort - and, seeing the others struggle, she realised it gave her a huge advantage.
Originally Posted by hermione74
Kristal walked over to the ingredent shelves and grabbed what she needed. She then walked back over to her seat across from Adz. "Hey," Kristal said looking at him have a similar ease with his potion like her. "This is pretty easy too isnt it?" Kristal laughed remembering the transfigoration lesson.
"We are not brewing any potions today. 5 points each from Gryffindor and Slytheirn for not following instructions."
ooc: If you are going to post in my class, please read the thread first so you know what to do. It is insulting to me that you just come in here and RP without knowing what is going on.
Originally Posted by Iphigeneia
"Ahhh! Large red welts began to appear on her fingers where the juice had fallen. Oh my gods, oh my gods. Iphigeneia clenched her teeth in pain, trying not to panic. She ran to the front of the room, where the Professor was watching another student, back turned to her.
"Professor?" Iphigeniea squeeked, holding out her swelling, pulsing hand, "Professor, um..."
Iphigeneia, still holding her burning hand, began hopping from one foot to the other to keep from passing out in pain as she waited for the Professor's attention...
I should have used the gloves...I should have used the gloves...
ooc: Um... these are newts. They aren't even magical creatures. Their juices don't cause huge welts or anything. They're just ordinary everyday newts. I would have had the professor tell you to use gloves (note that he said NOT to use gloves) or be careful if they were hazardous in any way. o_O I'm going to disregard this post as unrealistic. I like drama as much as the next person but this was ridiculous (though, not as bad as the pet dragon we had a few terms back).
Originally Posted by i_am_the_HBP
"urrgh" said luna barely looking at the toad, she hated disecting things but gingerly seperated the toads eyes being carefull not to damage them then seperating the tails
ooc: NEWTS. Please read my posts please. *dies*
Originally Posted by XxNoelxX
Noel put on her dragon hide gloves and went about taking the newts eyes out. She felt sick to her stomach, she rushed a little but removed the eyes without complaint. She noticed the Slytherin prefect Jaren's newt eyeball hit him in the face, she stiffled a laugh and forgot about how nausious she was. She removed the newt's tail and saw another Slytherin with welts all over her skin, the girl's voice was a little squeaky Noel called out nervously, "Professor! Professor she needs a little help over there!" She hoped she had spoken loudly enough.
Professor Branxton was at his wits' end. "I specifically said that gloves were not necessary and were, in fact, a hinderance in this assignment," he said as he stood intimidatingly over her shoulder. Quote:
Originally Posted by Meandering
Peony took a deep breath in. She couldn't get out of the habit. Choking again on the musty air, Peony hacked, while her hand tugged on the Professor's coat. What on earth is he doing? she thought irritably. Two of his students are dying at his feet!
ooc: Okay, it seems as if you people are too impatient to wait for me to post. I apologize for being absent yesterday and I really hate to do this but, apparently I need to close my classes when I'm not around. I like to keep them open so as many people as possible can participate, not just the ones that are online when I'm online but, clearly this is impossible. We have people suffering from injuries like welts from simple newt juice (I've gotten newt juice on me people, it doesn't even burn), people not reading my posts, and other people just RPing like the professor isn't there. So, from now on, I'm afraid you'll only get to RP in my classes when I'm around to monitor them. *sigh*