For Si, *snickering* likely the only person who's reading this story Paris & Kellybear r luv :Read Otty 's fics:Gone With the Wind:Iā„Rupert *A grumpy Ottery makes a speech* As Teddy has so kindly just reminded me this is a fic...*sighs* I guess we have to update. T: For Si at least she's the only reading this thing. O: Which is why I love her so. *tackle glomps Si* You really are too sweet to me Si. *wipes tear*
O:'s more...oh, and from now on updates will be in b&w T: Yeah, the shenanigans will stay in color though.
"You want me to go where?" Ottery exclaimed.
"To Britain, there's a school of magic over there where I teach."
"Why?" Ottery asked incredulously.
"Because, your Mother went there and she made plans to have you attend, Mr. St. Catchpole," the dark haired professor exclaimed.
The khakhi dressed, portly muggle whom Ottery and Ruben had seen driving the funny contraption parked outside on the street was eyeing the stove rather curiously as he noticed a wooden spoon turning itself.
Ottery had walked in to find the two gentlemen waiting for him in the small table in the kitchen, drinking their tea placidly, likely his aunt was still out looking for him. He had run in laughing after having dropped off Ruben across the street at his house and he had meant to run upstairs and jump in the shower before his aunt got home so he had his shirt untucked and half buttoned, but on seeing that there was company he quickly remembered his manners. He had sat with them, as was polite, and had come to learn their names. The Muggle was a Mr. Henry Ford, and the wizard dressed in the dark three piece suit under the purple cloak covered in stars and moons was Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
"It's nice that my mother wanted me to go...but I don't...I live here." He said reasonably. He was trying very hard to behave like an adult as he was in the company of them.
"It would have made her very happy to know that..."
"You knew my mother?" Ottery asked.
"She was one of Hogwarts finest pupils."
Ottery got a funny look on his face to think of that. He was the worst pupil in his class, well it was a tie between he and Ruben, they were constantly pranking and switching places with each other for having the lowest marks in class. He wanted to ask him so many things about her, but just then...he couldn't. The door burst open and Ottery knew he was in for a beating as he had made his aunt run around the little town in search of him. He prayed that perhaps because they had company she would be less inclined, but the slamming door behind him at which he cringed, put all doubt of that out of his mind.
-------------------------------------------------- T: Geez, Ottery, you're a magnet for trouble aren't you? O: *shrugs*
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