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Old 09-13-2005, 11:12 PM   #27 (permalink)
Sk8er girl
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 715

I just wanna..

I just want to be loved like when a couple look into each others eyes, and they know they'll be together for eternity.

I just want to be noticed, like when someone walks in a room and it gets all brighten up with their smile and their presence.

I just want to live my life without giving a care of what my parents will say or if tomorrow is my last day

I just want to be me, but if you dont notice me, then I guess theres no us....

Theres no you theres no me, there's no walking aimlesly around the park, just talking about stupid random laughing at my stupid jokes or yours...

Theres no us, theres no you, and like always theres no me....
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