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Old 11-12-2003, 08:10 AM
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[img]' align='middle'> Harry Potter's adventures hold no magic for McGreg -

EWAN McGregor has given the thumbs-down to JK Rowling’s fictional boy wizard, Harry Potter.



EWAN McGregor has given the thumbs-down to JK Rowling’s fictional boy wizard, Harry Potter.

The Scottish actor has revealed that he refuses to read the popular books to his children, Clara, 8, and Esther, 2, because they do not make good bedtime reading.

Instead, he opts for a series of books by a mystery reclusive author to entertain Clara and Esther.

And Crieff-born McGregor, 32, said he was jealous that he hasn’t been asked to appear in the movie version of his favourite children’s read, A Series of Unfortunate Events.

He said: "Storytelling has become a part of my personal life, as well as being my profession. Most evenings I read stories to my kids.

"It’s something I’ve grown to really love, that half an hour lying next to my children telling them a story.

"I’ve been reading A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket with Clara and Esther for the last eight months.

"We’re up to the sixth book, and they are absolutely brilliant books. They’re a quite wonderful read and they also read aloud very nicely.

"There’s another popular series of children’s books about a wizard that don’t read too well.

"But, unlike them, I find that the Lemony Snicket books are excellent for reading out loud.

"And I’m very jealous, as I believe they’re making a movie of the books and I don’t think I’m in them."

A Series of Unfortunate Events has been described as "a series of miserable books".

The books follow the lives of Violet, Klaus and Sunny Beaudelaire after the death of their parents in a fire. As orphans, Violet, Klaus and Sunny are sent to various guardians, none of whom is suitable to look after them for a variety of reasons.

The children, who have inherited a fortune from their parents, soon discover that there is an elaborate plot to steal it from them. They endure extreme hard luck, and none of the books has a happy ending.

The back of each volume in the series carries a warning from the author to the reader about just how bleak the books are.

However, despite their depressing plot lines, the Lemony Snicket books have become very popular with children.

The author is extremely elusive and has never appeared in public. However, the mystery writer has revealed that there will eventually be 13 books in the series, and that a film will be made.

The books are currently being translated into French and Spanish.

from The Scotsman
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