Thread: Harry Potter: Sirius Black's Second Chance - Sa9+
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Old 09-10-2005, 11:16 PM   #246 (permalink)
Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Talking My LadyV Sneaks in!!
The Sweetest Thing Lissy De Vil

My Birthday Sis! You snuck in on me! I didn't even know you were here!

Honestly Lissy, sometimes I could just kill you. But then I remember how much I love you, and if I killed you there'd be no more,
*wide innocent eyes* Moi? Buahahaha!! See, you need me around!! Loves you!

Anyways, as I said above^ this fic is dangerously addictive, it makes you stay up really late and cause you to make some big typos, I give you:
LafyV? When did I become LafyV? Oh well. Now, a review...
I did kinda notice that... But I wasn't gonna say anything given it was 2am for you! But, Hmmmmm LafyV, huh? Tehehehehe...

Please, like your stuff isn't addictive! Pffft! I chain read most of Close Encounters because I never wanted to stop!

Ok, so what is this? Hedwig always goes to Harry. I'm as puzzled as Harry on this one...

LOL! Sirius is so Funny. Why is Dumbledore using Hedwig? Doesn't he have his own owl?

Of course they have to have potions - it wouldn't be the same without potions, we need the Snape!
You are correct my Lady!

Careful Padfoot, all it would take is one slip for Hermione to notice and tell Harry and then there would be questions, and no forgetfulness spell would help...
Very good point...

Ok, so this new professor, something is seriously up with her, I don't think I trust her yet.

Sirius takes Ancient Runes? Hmm, never figured him for an ancient rune kind of guy. Plenty of time for him to be Hermione, I wonder how long he'll last under her scrutiny.
Buhahahaha! I love you LadyV! You're picking up on all the stuff I wanted you to this post!

I wish I'd thought of that at school!
Me too!

Brilliant Liss, brilliant.
Thank you!

Wicked post Liss, short and sweet, it's like a teaser, leaves me wanting more!!!So you know I want more right, as in like, now!
J/k. As for your shamless advertising of my fic, I really want to chastise you! but I love you too much, so I'm going to say thank you instead. *superglomps Lissy*
Love much,
Lady (not Lafy)V.
*supertackleninjaglomp* for my LafyV...erm.. LadyV And I'll never stop advertising your fic... Wait til my next sig!! *loves you*

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