Thread: Harry Potter: Sirius Black's Second Chance - Sa9+
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Old 09-10-2005, 11:03 PM   #245 (permalink)
Blast-Ended Skrewt
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The Sweetest Thing Lissy De Vil

I'm going to stop in more often so I can reply to you all better I hate not being able to!

Laieesha! How are you sweetie?

aaww Lissy!! so glad you're feeling better... sucks that you have to work weekends.. i know exactly how that is because i also work on weekends.
I am feeling better and thank you so much! My fellow weekend worker! It does suck! We do what we gotta though, don't we? On the bright side, is that I have most weekdays off!

hope you had enough rest... so you can post the other half soon*ahem* luv ya Lissy!!! Awesome post!!
I feel much better rested! I'll probably start writing again after the weekend. Maybe Monday!

hhmm.. i wonder...

that one cracked me up!
LoL!!! I'm glad you liked it! I thought it was a very Ron thing to say! LoL!!

harry__dan *hugs*

hahaha ths was very funny i lafed too much
I'm glad! It always makes me happy to make people smile!

allucha *big hug*

Thank you sweetie, I remember that you posted this:
hey lissy, i hope u get better soon, post more when u get better.
and now:
great post,
gr8 to see u back and well
I really appreciate your kind words. They did not go unoticed and they mean a lot to me! Thank you so much!

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