Thread: Harry Potter: Sirius Black's Second Chance - Sa9+
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Old 09-10-2005, 11:01 PM   #244 (permalink)
Aingil an Spéir
Siriusly Addicted
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Join Date: Dec 2004
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Posts: 545
Default This fic is should come with a health warning.

Honestly Lissy, sometimes I could just kill you. But then I remember how much I love you, and if I killed you there'd be no more,

Anyways, as I said above^ this fic is dangerously addictive, it makes you stay up really late and cause you to make some big typos, I give you:
Lissy, I'm really sorry, but I'm goin to have to wait until morning toread your posts - it's 2a mhere and my eyes are falling out of my head I'm so
I'll be sure to chexck thisout the minute I wake up though. Promise.
Love much,
LafyV? When did I become LafyV? Oh well. Now, a review...

At that moment the Great hall was abuzz as the owls swooped in with the morning mail, among which were the student’s class schedules. Harry looked up, smiling expectantly, at a snowy owl as it flew by the table. In fact, it flew right by without stopping… Harry’s smile turned into a frown of puzzlement as a tawny delivered his class schedule instead. Ron, catching his friends’ gaze as well as his own schedule from a hyperactive scops owl, grinned.

Ok, so what is this? Hedwig always goes to Harry. I'm as puzzled as Harry on this one...

“Get stood up by your bird?” Sirius put in with equal amusement as his schedule was also dropped in front of him. The snowy owl had continued on to the staff table and was now delivering an envelope to Dumbledore.
LOL! Sirius is so Funny. Why is Dumbledore using Hedwig? Doesn't he have his own owl?

Hermione gasped, “you two made potions!” she exclaimed.

Ron’s grin vanished “you’re kidding, right?”

“Hermione, Snape isn’t taking anyone with less then an O on their O.W.L.’s” Harry put in.

“Are you saying I can’t read?” Hermione glared at the boys. “See for yourself,” she slapped the schedules onto the table in front of them

Of course they have to have potions - it wouldn't be the same without potions, we need the Snape!

Sirius laughed and started to comment, but remembered in time that he wasn’t supposed to know who Snape was, “so which one is Snape?” he asked instead, biting his tongue.
Careful Padfoot, all it would take is one slip for Hermione to notice and tell Harry and then there would be questions, and no forgetfulness spell would help...

At the front table Sirius could see Snape glowering as usual. Next to him, the new professor looked rather pale and distant as she moved the food around on her plate without seeming to eat.
Ok, so this new professor, something is seriously up with her, I don't think I trust her yet.

“You’re taking everything they are,” Hermione informed him after tearing the letter open. “Plus Ancient Runes, with me,” she added.
Sirius takes Ancient Runes? Hmm, never figured him for an ancient rune kind of guy. Plenty of time for him to be Hermione, I wonder how long he'll last under her scrutiny.

“Say there are four of us,” Sirius explained, “one of us can be in charge of homework for Transfiguraton, one for DADA, one for Potions and one for Charms. Each one of us is in charge of the homework for their class, and the rest can copy it. Less to do that way. Herbology we can rotate.” Sirius couldn’t believe he was suggesting his friend’s old homework system to his godson, but he still didn’t relish the thought of doing all that homework.

I wish I'd thought of that at school!

“Well don’t expect me to participate,” Hermione replied, getting up from the table, “we’d best be on our way, we don’t want to be late for Potions.”

“She’s just jealous,” Ron confided to Sirius as they left the Great Hall, “she’s used to doing all the homework.”

Brilliant Liss, brilliant.

Wicked post Liss, short and sweet, it's like a teaser, leaves me wanting more!!!So you know I want more right, as in like, now!
J/k. As for your shamless advertising of my fic, I really want to chastise you! but I love you too much, so I'm going to say thank you instead. *superglomps Lissy*
Love much,
Lady (not Lafy)V.
Sirius, our Man Secrets Within
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