Blast-Ended Skrewt
Join Date: Mar 2005 Location: CrazyTown
Posts: 16,126
| The Sweetest Thing Lissy De Vil Hey everyone!! I just want to start off by saying thank you so very much for bearing with me this week. You are truly the best readers ever. I've been a bit 'off' and I appeciate all your kind words of encouragement and 'get wells'. You can never know just how much it all means to me. Honestly, I love you all for it. I think I'm just going to launch in with a post right now. It is techinically half of a post as I wanted to include Potions class in it, but I will be working the next two days and I don't want to make you all wait longer. I work every weekend and I also work nights, so yeah, that stinks. So if it is ok, and without further ado: Class Schedules
The next morning at breakfast, Sirius was still pondering the problem of the map. There really was no other solution; he’d have to take it back. If the boy should use it, and there was no question that he would, Sirius doubted a simple forgetfulness charm was about to make his godson forget seeing the name Sirius Black sleeping in the same dormitory. He would simply have to choose a time when Harry wouldn’t be in Gryffindor house, perhaps during lunch, and try to find it. With any luck the boy didn’t carry it with him during the day…
At that moment the Great hall was abuzz as the owls swooped in with the morning mail, among which were the student’s class schedules. Harry looked up, smiling expectantly, at a snowy owl as it flew by the table. In fact, it flew right by without stopping… Harry’s smile turned into a frown of puzzlement as a tawny delivered his class schedule instead. Ron, catching his friends’ gaze as well as his own schedule from a hyperactive scops owl, grinned.
“Get stood up by your bird?” Sirius put in with equal amusement as his schedule was also dropped in front of him. The snowy owl had continued on to the staff table and was now delivering an envelope to Dumbledore.
“Maybe Dumbledore is paying better,” Ron laughed around a mouthful of toast.
“I wonder what Hedwig is delivering to Professor Dumbledore?” Hermione asked thoughtfully as she collected Ron and Harry’s schedules for inspection.
“I don’t know,” Harry replied, bemused, as the snowy now flew out of the hall, never stopping at the Gryffindor table.
Hermione gasped, “you two made potions!” she exclaimed.
Ron’s grin vanished “you’re kidding, right?”
“Hermione, Snape isn’t taking anyone with less then an O on their O.W.L.’s” Harry put in.
“Are you saying I can’t read?” Hermione glared at the boys. “See for yourself,” she slapped the schedules onto the table in front of them.
Sure enough, the identical cards read: Potions
Defense Against the Dark Arts
“Do you reckon McGonagall talked him into it?” Ron asked incredulously, “knowing we need it to be aurors?”
“I shouldn’t think so,” Harry was equally surprised. “I think he just wants to torture us,” he added grimly.
Sirius laughed and started to comment, but remembered in time that he wasn’t supposed to know who Snape was, “so which one is Snape?” he asked instead, biting his tongue.
“The cheerful chap in black,” Ron gestured with his fork, “sitting next to Professor Tergins.”
“Head of Slytherin House,” Harry agreed, “bound to make life miserable.”
“Oh, yeah, the greasy looking one,” Sirius smirked to the boys approval.
At the front table Sirius could see Snape glowering as usual. Next to him, the new professor looked rather pale and distant as she moved the food around on her plate without seeming to eat.
“Professor Tergins looks nervous,” Hermione observed sympathetically, ignoring the boys comments. “Anyway,” she turned back to them, “what are you taking, Brian?”
“I don’t know,” he laughed with Harry and Ron, shrugging, “hopefully not potions,” he tossed the girl his unopened envelope. She shook her head in disapproval that someone could possibly not know, or seem to not care what classes they were in.
“You’re taking everything they are,” Hermione informed him after tearing the letter open. “Plus Ancient Runes, with me,” she added.
“Brilliant!” Ron commented.
“Ancient runes, huh?” Harry laughed.
“Yeah, because you never know when a death eater is going to chuck a rune at you,” Sirius quipped wondering what Dumbledore was playing at giving him that class. He’d hated that one the first time.
“So, are you any good at homework?” Ron asked hopefully, ignoring Hermione’s scowl.
“Don’t you have a system?” Sirius asked.
“What do you mean?” Harry looked at him quizzically.
“Say there are four of us,” Sirius explained, “one of us can be in charge of homework for Transfiguraton, one for DADA, one for Potions and one for Charms. Each one of us is in charge of the homework for their class, and the rest can copy it. Less to do that way. Herbology we can rotate.” Sirius couldn’t believe he was suggesting his friend’s old homework system to his godson, but he still didn’t relish the thought of doing all that homework.
Hermione’s scowl deepened as Ron and Harry’s faces lit up with pleasure. “So you only have to do the homework for one class?” Ron clarified.
“In theory, yes. Except for the rotating one.” Sirius commented.
“Brilliant!” the boys exclaimed as one.
“Well don’t expect me to participate,” Hermione replied, getting up from the table, “we’d best be on our way, we don’t want to be late for Potions.”
“She’s just jealous,” Ron confided to Sirius as they left the Great Hall, “she’s used to doing all the homework.” PS: Next is Potions Class!!
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Last edited by Lissydove; 09-10-2005 at 01:21 AM.
Reason: added a PS