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Old 11-11-2003, 06:45 AM
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[img]' align='middle'> Harry Readers Less Stressed Than Oprah Viewers -

Dwoskin believes the reason Harry Potter followers are less stressed could be that they avoid facing their problems head-on.


Oprah burn-outs

High stress levels in fans of daytime diva, studies show


If your nerves are frazzled and you're struggling to cope with stress, chances are you're also a fan of Oprah Winfrey, two studies have found. In one recent survey, half of respondents who described themselves as "severely stressed" also said they enjoy the daytime talk show queen who's known for probing emotionally charged or feel-good topics.

Yet the findings do not mean tuning into Oprah is the source of the stress, said New York Times best-selling author Hale Dwoskin who commissioned the American telephone survey. The statistics released this week merely suggest the burnt-out portion of the population are the ones watching the daytime talk show.

"My theory is that people watching Oprah are looking for help. They're looking for help with their problem," Dwoskin told The Sun.

"The Oprah Winfrey fans were significantly more stressed than the general public -- twice as stressed."

Harry Potter readers are less tense than Oprah lovers, according to the study, which coincided with the launch of Dwoskin's de-stress book The Sedona Method. Adults who said they are fond of the fictional character were 50% less likely to take medication to ease anxiety than Oprah fans.

"I expected the exact opposite. I assumed people who watch Oprah would be better adjusted and in better shape. I was surprised when the results came in the opposite," said Dwoskin, adding his wild card question at the end of his stress-level survey has garnered much attention.


Dwoskin believes the reason Harry Potter followers are less stressed could be that they avoid facing their problems head-on.

"Some people who are into Harry Potter are into denial, into fantasy," said Dwoskin, who teaches tension-relieving methods to clients across the globe, including to corporations such as IBM and Polaroid.

A similar study by the Internet Broadcasting Systems echoed Dwoskin's findings when it came to the daytime diva.

An online survey of 12,000 people showed Oprah viewers are 60% more likely to be stressed out than those who don't watch the show.

thanks to The Sun
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