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Old 09-04-2005, 03:11 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Lucy's Poems Sa9+

Hello! These are Lucy's Poemes *ha ha Kodie!!!!!*
Umm...... Hi Sarah, Rebecca, Ceci, and Kodie...and all other persons out there that I don't know.

This is a poem that I'm thinking up right now, okay?

Um, first poems aren't always the best right ?


The stars all shine,
In glittery greatness,
Five points are mine,

Harry looks up,
Thinks, "Is Sirius there?''
Is he watching?

Is he aware,
Of my troubles,
And pain,

The stars are so high,
How could he see,
Everything down here,
Can he see me?

Pleeeeeze comment!!!
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