Grey Warden ✗ Fenris ♥ ✗ Archdemon Slayer ✗ Champion of Kirkwall I wrote this poem two nights ago.I hope the one who is in this,reads it and understands. Everlasting Our Love By: Fate. I love you with all of my heart even though it breaks with each waking beat All for you My eyes show my care since my words don't get through I love you So just take it and think about it I think way more than I should I want you to stay I want to be always yours I wantour love to be forever pure You need to know that So you can think about it,if you leave You can't leave I woun't allow it Without you I might die myself,on the inside It's getting harder and harder to accept this Leaving.Dieing.Crying.Bleeding. I will hurt I will scream out I love you And I don't want you to die Because that will be the final ballad in my sad song of life You die.I die with you. Everlasting our love |