Grey Warden ✗ Fenris ♥ ✗ Archdemon Slayer ✗ Champion of Kirkwall Deadly Poison By: Fate (Me,noone else) Cold crisp air, whipping at my face Sending chills down my crooked spine I wait, looking for him to come To start a journey, together You broke me with the slightest words And left me tumbling down to earth And that’s when I realized That saying “I love you” Really means “Goodbye” I need a casket for my tears To keep them all held in I’m silently broken But you can never tell by my stone cold face I spiral down from existence And crumble and fade I hurt inside, knowing I have no one to love Every new beginning comes with another beginnings Horrible end, In my case I try to forget that face But I always see it gleaming back at me In my mind, and everywhere I go You haunt my every thought Making me hate you even more Before, I always felt I drank your deadly poison And now I have nowhere to go I’m alone on the cold streets of the earth Waiting Everyday it gets a little worse Making everything go black And I don’t want to face the dangers untold I’m sinking deeper When I used to be up so high I know I will never be able to slip from pain I need someone to save me So I can’t cry it all away |