Oooooooooooooooo Lissy!!!!!!
*puts fingers together in Mr Burnsesque manner*
What a great post, OMG! Quote:
The Scroll of Forgetfulness
That got my attention. Great title. Quote:
was a really odd perspective seeing the school like this, coming to life.
That would be wierd. I found it odd going into the staff room, I can't imagine what it would like being ther with no other students and all the teachers getting ready etc.
>by the by, I love your description of the hive of activity, everyone bustling to and fro , it kinda makes you want to be there, you know? Quote:
Only one Head of House was conspicuously absent from the preparations. The Head of Slytherin House was nowhere to be seen.
Red Flag - that cannot be good!!!! Quote:
Sirius had that effortless type of intelligence that allowed him to pick up on his lessons without much visible studying, to the chagrin of his teachers and fellow students alike.
I hate that. People who are brainy without studying I mean, not your writing, I love that. I love how you're creating the essence of his character, I'd so fancy him... Quote:
"I’m not sure if I’m comfortable with this deception, Severus,” the woman continued softly.
“I don’t see that you have a choice,” Snape answered.
The woman sighed, “he trusts me, it just doesn’t feel right.”
“If you’re having reservations, then you never should have accepted this position,” Snape replied meanly.
Argh!!!!!!!!! What's going on? Lissy, how much should I be trusting snape here? BEcause, I'm begining to think, after everything that's happened... I don't like this. I'm worried now. Who is she? Must be the new DADA teacher. Has to be. Quote:
Snape’s wand was suddenly in his hand. “Don’t tempt me Black, you may be under Dumbledore’s protection, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make your life a living hell. Just remember who has the authority here and who does not.”
See, I knew this would happen. Snape is going to make his life so miserable... Quote:
“I would like nothing better to have you in Slytherin House,” Snape sneered.
If that happens...*LadyV frowns, unsure whteher or not it would be a good thing*