Runs With Vampires The Dares: evlpez's dare:
*Dumbledore, in love with a professor, makes a fool of himself.
*Voldemort renounces Dark Magic and discovers Buddhism
*A walking, talking plant is sorted into Gryffindor, becomes The Trio's new best friend
*All the boys squeal and gossip a lot and the girls become obsessed with lego.
*The following things must appear or be mentioned: a walk in the park, a parking ticket, a ticking time bomb, the sands of time, smelly sandals. Lotus' dare:
* Lupin dresses as a giant teddy and makes come-on's to the professors saying things like "rawr", "grrr" and "oink".
* Malfoy is the new spokes person for a hemorrhoid company and slips in promotions for it every time he speaks.
* Pineapples destroy all the antique bed pans and Dumbledore has a phobia of toilets, consiquently he is forced to hold it.
* Spell goes awry and random body parts take on a mind of their own, dropping off and roaming the school.
* Someone shouts "spank that apple!".
athousandpieces on Tumblr : TPer for Life! : DFTBA |