Thread: Harry Potter: Sirius Black's Second Chance - Sa9+
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Old 08-08-2005, 12:31 AM   #57 (permalink)
Blast-Ended Skrewt
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The Sweetest Thing Lissy De Vil

This one is for my dear friend LadyV! I even left a small cliffie in her honor! Read Close Encounters to see what I mean!

Close Encounters of the First Kind

Familiar Faces

The man Sirius ran into went sprawling to the ground, his packages (as he had clearly been shopping for Hogwart’s supplies) scattered all around him. Upon noticing the man’s face, Sirius quickly averted his eyes and turning his head away, mumbled an apology before making a hasty retreat.

It was only when Sirius rounded the corner that he risked another glance at the wizard as he knelt to pick up his things. Sirius’ heart was pounding as he watched his friend, Remus Lupin, move on down the street. He felt extremely guilty that he could not help his old friend. One glance at the man’s tired, careworn face wrenched his heart in sympathy. Sirius could not help but wish for the days when he and James (he could not bring himself to think of the fourth member of their group) could make the time of the full moon more bearable for Remus. The two boys would do anything in their power just to make their friend smile during the period before and after the full moon when the boy was most drained of energy. Judging from Lupin’s weakened appearance; it was just around that time right now. Sirius vowed silently that he would contact his friend as soon as he was free of this masquerade he had to keep up. Remus was now out of sight and Sirius felt it safe to continue on his way. Still, the mischievous side of his personality was strongly tempted to chase Lupin down, tap him on the shoulder and wait for a reaction, but he knew better. “The way he looked, a shock like that would put him into St. Mungo’s,” Sirius thought as he approached the last store on his list, Flourish and Blott’s.

Inside the store, Sirius gave his school book list to one of the shopkeepers along with his pseudonym and money. He was glad not to have to hunt for the books and then be weighed down by them, especially since the moment he walked in he noticed some more familiar faces. One, just visible beyond a stack of books, looked so much like his old friend that it took all of Sirius’ willpower not to call out to him. But his logical mind reasoned, “not James, Harry.” Even then it was a close call keeping silent. Instead, he drew closer to hear what the boy was saying.

Harry was leaning casually against a shelf, laughing and talking to his friend Ron. Nearby, Bill Weasley stood consulting the school book lists with a lovely blonde girl looking on. Hermione was speaking with authority about a book she’d read over the summer to the youngest Weasley, Ginny, who looked rather bored but was politely trying not to show it. Somewhat apart from the group (though clearly with them), Sirius recognized his cousin Tonks’ bright pink hair peeking above a book she was reading.

Wizard’s Lost Love by Bettina Breakheart”, he read with surprise, “since when did his cousin read that kind of tripe?” Out of the corner of his eye, Sirius spotted Kingsley Shacklebolt walking past the store for a second time in the last few minutes. It was clear that this particular group of students was being closely watched. He wouldn’t be surprised if there were several other Order members nearby, he’d have to be careful.

“Oy, Harry, look, there’s a new issue of Quidditch Quarterly,” Ron said flipping through the magazine.

“We’re only buying what’s on the list, little brother,” Bill called over his shoulder.

Ron scowled at his brother’s back and made to put the magazine on the shelf. He was stopped by Harry who smiled and simply tossed the book into his own cauldron.

“Thanks mate,” Ron grinned back.

“Clearly this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher know’s his stuff,” Hermione stated brandishing the new required text, “I read this book last year and it’s excellent.”

“Well anyone’s better then Lockhart was,” Ron quipped ignoring the look Hermione sent his way. Though she secretly agreed with him, she rarely spoke badly about a teacher in public, even a bad one.

Harry had no such reservations and laughed openly with Ron as if at a private joke.

Suddenly Tonks let out a startled squeak and Bettina Breakheart was tossed clumsily back onto the shelf.

“I got everything on this list,” Remus approached Bill who ticked off a number of items from his own list.

“Brilliant,” Bill said, “we’re almost done, so we can get back. Mum won’t relax until we get this lot home,” his gesture took in the younger members of the party and the blonde girl beamed up at him.

“So protective you are,” the girl observed in a thick French accent.

“Professor Lupin,” Hermione said, still not giving up on her book, “have you read this?”

“Ah, yes, that is a good one,” the man stated. Even from this distance, Sirius could see the gleam of interest in his friend’s eyes that often happened when presented with a favorite book. “And you don’t need to call me that anymore,” he reminded her.

“It’s only because you’re the best DADA teacher we’ve ever had,” Harry stated matter of fact, and Remus looked pleased despite himself.

“You haven’t any idea who did assign the book by chance…” Ron ventured.

“You know I don’t,” Lupin smiled helplessly.

The group started to move deeper into the store and Sirius made to follow, when suddenly, a strong hand clasped him on the shoulder.


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