Thread: Poetry: Angel's Poems
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Old 08-06-2005, 03:11 AM   #65 (permalink)
*sniff* I love you, man *sniff*
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Originally Posted by Angel8807

What to say about Ish?
There are so many things.
Tons of words come to mind...
Friend, sweet, caring, loveable.
Not to mention the others...
Crazy, adventurous and bold.
With so many ways to discribe...
How can we choose just one?

*shrugs* Sorry it's not any better Ish dear, but I just wrote it and I think it's different from all of my other poems. Hope you like it!

Angel....I am printing it out right now. I am putting it on my wall. I love it, it is so special to me, I feel like crying. Thank you. *huggles*

Truly Yours Forever,

Ishy <3

The boy above is my [future] husband. Back-off.
Si & Ishtar pwn your souls <3
Ashlie&IshyWshyPoozy<333 taking over Chicago. Muchos luff
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