Thread: Poetry: Gold's Poem Thread
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Old 07-31-2005, 08:01 PM   #15 (permalink)
GoLd_PhOeNiX15's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Hogwarts!!!
Posts: 122

plz excuse the suckiness of the following poem... I wrote it at 4 am when I was tired and hungry and mad at my boyfriend... yeah

What's the matter with you, baby?
You're embarassed to love me when you're by your friends
What's the matter with me, baby?
Is it just not good enough to love you to no end?

'Cause you're the reason I cry at night
I love you like the flowers love and need the light
You sail my ship
You fly my kite
But you're the reason I cry at night

All I wanted out of this
Was a hug from you
That's all, no kiss
But apparently, you can't love me
When the others are around

God forbid, you look like you actually care about someone
But that night, you hardly cared much
When I wasn't loved enough
For you to put your arms around me
Ya see
It's killin' me

Cause you're the reason I cry at night
When I need you most
Need to hold you tight
You sail my ship
You fly my kite
But you're the reason I cry at night

This sucks so bad
I feel like I'm nothing
But then, maybe I am
To you, at least
Oh, but that's not what you say when we're alone together
I mean the world when you can't be seen

What is it with you?
Can't you show emotion infront of other people?
You've built a wall around your heart
Locked me out
And thrown away the key

'Cause you're the reason I cry at night
When I miss you like two friends in a fight
You sail my ship
You fly my kite
But you're the reason I cry at night

It was time to go
You had to leave
So you turned around to go walk with Ben and Steve
I stood there staring at the back of your head
And I said,

"Fine. Leave me here.
Don't hug me or say goodbye."
And you looked and said,
"But they're here."

Well, hell,
Why don't you break me in two,
Throw me to the ground and walk all over me?
Top it off
Finish your job
'Cause that's what you started, darling

And the wound is always gonna throb
Through the laughs, the cries, the sobs
It's gonna hurt and it's gonna hurt bad

I was asked in the car on the way home,
"Whats wrong? Your face looks long."
And I made up a lie about other peoples' stupid problems
When I should've said,
"Yeah, Mom. I needed his arms so bad and all he did was push me away."

Yeah, 'cause that's what you did, you know
Even when I'm standing there, almost alone
You could've hugged me back
'Cause I threw my soul into that embrace
But you didn't have the decency to even look me in the face
No, 'cause God forbid
Somebody sees that it's possible to care

'Cause you're the reason I cry at night
When I need your arms and need to breathe your sight
You sail my ship
You fly my kite
But you're the reason I cry at night

Again, pay no attention to how bad this one sucks... haha half of it doesn't even rhyme...
True, true, like a dog on a sunny day
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