Thread: Harry Potter: Sirius Black's Second Chance - Sa9+
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Old 07-27-2005, 08:25 PM   #25 (permalink)
Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Smile Reply post First!!!!
The Sweetest Thing Lissy De Vil

Well, first I'll do a quick reply and then it will be on to a post. Well, it is technically half of a post! I could go on and make it twice as long, but I think I'll post what I have (for Tina) and come back with more later!

Hey Tina!!! *huggles*

Okay…. I have to ask something… I know that Dumbledore is acting the same but is he younger too? All you said earlier is he was the same as ever.. Maybe I need to keep reading…
Did I fool you at first? That was a very good question! But I'm sure you know why now!!

He went into the future?!?!!? By how could he look so much younger…
Noooooo.... *grins* No one really knows what the veil does, so why can't it affect people differently? LoL!!!!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!! I was thinking, you’d hit us with some bad news… But that’s great… Harry will be so happy, but what’s happened to Volde? What about the mission? How will this event change? Omg… too many questions.. I feel like my head’s about to pop open….
Good news - right? But Voldie is still out there... Keep reading!!

Oh… I see… OMG.. That’s why he couldn’t transform…But this means that Harry and Sirius could be friends… w/ Ron… AND even go back to school? But, s\don’t they say these things don’t ever work out right? I JUST want to know….what your planning… UGHHHHH! I’ll keep reading…
Let's not worry about what 'they' say!

OBViously.. Gryfindor no doubt… RIGHT?!?!!?

*Gets her bat and hits the painting..* GO TO HELL, You useless. Worthless, whining, little mutt ! DIE!!!!!!!!! *GLARES* And he betta not be in Slytherin.. I hope not!!! I GUESS THAT’s all for now…
THIS update was so good!!! The story’s as good as I ever thought it would be! I love ya for it!!!!
A thankful Siry Reader,
I love your enthusiasm! I luv you too!!!

*Siriusette Black*

I just love to have you reading! With a name like yours, I need to have you here!!
This is one of the GREATEST Sirius fics EVER!!! I just love the whole idea of him going thru the veil and becoming 16 again and going back to school and everything else! I can't wait for the next update... PAMS PAMS PAMS!!!
Thank you sooooooooooooooooooo much!! I really wanted to do something a little different with a Sirius fic and I am so glad that others like the idea!

*Wonders if LIz is writing* I was promised a new update...Remember, the stalking still goes...
LoL!!! Ok Tina... Read on...

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