FEE FII FOOO FONA! 'Bellatrix? That --' Tonks launched into a tirade of insults. 'One of these days, she'll get caught in a fair fight.' She shook her head, her knuckles white on teh chair. Taking breaths she sat back, trying to calm down. Sirius had far more right to hate the woman. Bellatrix had led him a merry dance from what Tonks could remember, but it was patchy. She closed her eyes, squeezing them trying to clear her mind. He'd been attacked several times anyway. Opening her eyes she glanced over at him.
She shook her head. 'As for that git,' she nodded towards the door. 'Just ignore him. You know the drill.'
__________________ ![](http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll245/DA-Forever/SSMAP/fuaruq.jpg) Graphics made by: noneworld
Last edited by fona; 07-24-2005 at 03:59 AM.