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Old 07-18-2005, 02:40 AM   #1 (permalink)
RupertsHoney01's Avatar
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Clearwater Florida USA
Posts: 16
Gryffindor Life On The Edge OF Your Seat

This is my first time puttin poems online they are about the things i think about. Also they are about what life is like to people like me. I really want to know if they are good so i can put then in contests.

Like Me
What does death mean?
I wonder what heaven is like,
I wonder if h*** is really painfull.

If I go to heaven will it be bright,
Will there be gold and clouds everywhere,
But will that be the place for a girl like me.

If I go to h*** will it be hot,
With flames and painful sounds everywhere,
But will that be the place for a girl like me.

What does death mean?
I wonder if heven is a place for hope,
I wonder if h*** is a place for sorrow.

Love in Progress
How does love work?
If someone knows the answer they have love,
I hope they will let me know.

I would ask people the question,
They say it needs trust from both partners,
Good comunication is important too.

Respect is the really important thing,
You have to respect the persons feelings,
Also respect the person to know them.

These things make loving someone work,
If you don't have these things it will fail,
And someone will end up having a broken heart.

The Boy I Love
I feel like you don't know me,
But I know you pretty well,
I hope we will end up loving each other.

When I look into your eyes,
I see all the lies you told,
The thing is i don't want to see them.

When I'm with you i feel safe,
I know I can be me and you won't judge,
Sometimes i think you are.

I want you to know me well,
I also want to know you well,
So we can be in love.

The Darkness
When the darkness gets me,
Who will save me?
What will happen to me?

Will there be a friend that saves me,
Or will there be an enemy?
Who will save me?

Am I going to die when the darkness gets me,
Or will I be depresed for life?
What will happen to me?

When the darkness gets me,
I hope I will be saved,
I hope nothing bad happens to me.

If i loose you I will die inside,
I don't want your condition to get worse,
I love you and I'll miss you.

Sometimes you act like normal,
But then you get worse,
One day it will kill you.

You shouldn't of done what you did,
It's making you worse,
And no oxygen is not helping.

So please do what is right,
Don't make it complicated for us,
We love you and always will.

This is actually what some people are going through and i wrote there feelings and mine in a poem.
~love is all fun & games untill someone gets hurt~

Last edited by RupertsHoney01; 12-22-2005 at 11:51 PM.
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