Thread: Harry Potter: Sirius Black's Second Chance - Sa9+
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Old 07-14-2005, 09:12 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Annabelle Lee Costas
First Year
ツ Zonko's Fanatic Forever! | Sirius Stalker | ShruckleNooferian ツ

It was all familiar, as Sirius had spent a little more time then he should have here when he went to school.
Muahaha… I wonder… It seems that Sirius is looking at things from his older slef’s view… I mean it has to be that way… But I hope to see more of young Sirius’s actions…
“it wouldn’t be right to offer whiskey to a minor,” the man winked.
Okay…. I have to ask something… I know that Dumbledore is acting the same but is he younger too? All you said earlier is he was the same as ever.. Maybe I need to keep reading…
“What year do you think this is?” the professor’s gaze was penetrating.
*Shakes her head Confused… but how would that fit…. *Thinks*
He was suddenly feeling uncertain.
The year happens to be nineteen hundred and ninety six. Approximately two and a half months after the event you last remember, I’m afraid.”
He went into the future?!?!!? By how could he look so much younger… [quote]
“Is safe.” Dumbledore said kindly, “it is you we’ve been most distressed about losing.” The Headmaster then went on to describe the events following Sirius’ disappearance through the veil. “So as you can imagine, I was quite surprised to receive your letter,” he finished.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOMENESS!!!!!!!! I was thinking, you’d hit us with some bad news… But that’s great… Harry will be so happy, but what’s happened to Volde? What about the mission? How will this event change? Omg… too many questions.. I feel like my head’s about to pop open….
“You seem to have completely reverted to your 16 year old self, magical ability and all.”
Oh… I see… OMG.. That’s why he couldn’t transform…But this means that Harry and Sirius could be friends… w/ Ron… AND even go back to school? But, s\don’t they say these things don’t ever work out right? I JUST want to know….what your planning… UGHHHHH! I’ll keep reading…
What I mean is that you can’t just go out in the wizarding world as you are. Granted, most people won’t recognize you, but some will. I think it best that the less people who are aware of your return, the better.” Dumbledore paused, “Not even members of the Order should know… Or Harry.”
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…. WHY DOES D always lock him up….Leave my poor Siry alone.. No matter how powerful or clever you might be. It’s not fair…That’s so bad…And this way he can’t even transform and at leats get some fresh air? But, where does D want to hide him? Plus, Anyways he will get out.. or Harry wil find him w/ the Mauraders Map. SEE… HEHEHE.. D’s only fooling himself…
“However, I do have an assignment for you.”
Ohhhh…. This is kewl…I wonder….
and if you could keep certain students from getting into trouble…”
LMAO… Okay this should be real funny!
“Isn’t that a bit like the blind leading the blind?”
lmao… What a smart remark… And it is true…
I do hope you can behave this time,” he warned doubtfully.
YEAH RIGHT!!! LMAO… This is so kewl… I love this fic… Maybe even more than Robert’s (And yeah to me, it is his lol..)
So try to act a little less like yourself.
LMAO… NO, Don’t ever change my SIRY… I don’t think I’m liking D in this fic… But, then again, he has his reasons… *HUggles D* Just don’t be too mean to my Siry..
You’ll have to wait and see where the sorting hat places you.”
OBViously.. Gryfindor no doubt… RIGHT?!?!!?
“Yeah, right,” Sirius wasn’t as sure of himself all of a sudden.
* reassures Siry* Don’t worry! Be happy!!
useless pup can’t even die properly. Going back to school, eh? Maybe this time he can get it right and make Slytherin,” was his parting comment before going back to sleep.
*Gets her bat and hits the painting..* GO TO HELL, You useless. Worthless, whining, little mutt ! DIE!!!!!!!!! *GLARES* And he betta not be in Slytherin.. I hope not!!! I GUESS THAT’s all for now…
THIS update was so good!!! The story’s as good as I ever thought it would be! I love ya for it!!!!
A thankful Siry Reader,
You make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed, sing like a bird
Dizzy in my head, spin like a record
Crazy on a Sunday night..
You make me dance like a fool
Just the thought of you can drive me wild
Ohh, you make me smile.
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