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Old 10-25-2003, 02:09 AM   #70 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

x7 x8
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

*Blushes* Awww... here's a new section. In the spirit of "Subbing for the Fifth Graders and Hating Your Life."

The Hogwarts concert of Celestina Warbeck went off without a hitch. Celestina's reputation was well founded. She was beautiful to look at, dressed in filmy robes of her trademark blue that matched her eyes. Her voice was light and airy. And her wand skills were very impressive, as she caused colors and light to dance around her throughout the performance.

She managed to attain three new fans. Harry and Ron, being male and teenagers, thought she was beautiful and had this distant and funny look on their face.
It was the same look they had been teasing their other friends about all week, but we'll be polite and not mention it. Hermione kept shaking her head and saying, "Such concentration. Can you imagine?" No one responded to her, but no one usually did, so Hermione didn't even notice.

The low spot of Hermione's evening had been when everyone else got up to dance to a particularly upbeat favorite. She had been moving rather inexpertly herself when she noticed the house elves lined up against the far wall. They watched with rapt expressions, their little hands clasped in front of them.

Hermione, as is usual of our bushy-haired friend, was outraged. "They aren't even allowed to dance!?"

Ron looked confused and paused, which was much preferred to his mode of dancing, which involved bobbing and disjointed clapping. He wasn't one for rhythm. He noticed where her attention was and shrugged.

"Maybe they just don't like to dance. Or don't know how."

Hermione stomped over to the elves, pushing aside Celestina fans in her haste. When they saw their dreaded nemesis/ savior, many of them hid or ran. Somehow, Hermione didn't notice their dislike of her. She grabbed Dobby's hand and pulled him into the crowded room.

"But miss, I is needed in the kitchen. There is refreshments after the show..." Hermione accidentally stepped on his toe, and he stopped talking. She was wearing sharp little shoes... and I'm not all that certain it was an accident. Just a note for those of you who are suspiciously minded.

Despite Dobby's obvious lack of enthusiasm, Hermione tried to get him to dance. The poor elf was worse than Ron, and that's saying something. He had no sense of rhythm and no control of his body limbs. Hermione thought fast... what dance could she teach that took no skills at all?

Ron and Harry were, as usual, completely oblivious to Hermione's plight. They bobbed and weaved, growing to love Celestina all the more.

After a few minutes, Ron looked around and noticed Hermione, holding onto Dobby and directing his limbs. Dobby was frightened and tearful.

"What is Hermione doing to Dobby?" Ron asked, worried about her sanity.

Harry looked over, watched for a moment, and began to laugh. "Teaching him the Electric Slide." At Ron's look, he added, "Muggle line dance."

They alternated listening to Celestina and watching Hermione... you had to laugh at her sometimes. The three of them had pretty much forgotten all about their Malfoy prank.

However, at the end of the show, as the clapping began to die down, Draco Malfoy burst through the doors to the Great Hall. As he ran towards the dais that was being used as a stage, the trio (and all the helpers who were also in on the prank) leaned forward in their seats expectantly.
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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