Okay, here’s my long Come-back post! I know you don’t like spam but It’s not spam…just my comments for the times I missed!
Okay here I go, (Sry if It’s long, Lizzy got to me)
Well Tina and I haven't worked the bugs out of the little guessing game yet. So I'll just post some more poems until we do.
I have a plan for all you riddle-lovers! Um…. I’ll pm Angel…since that might be considered spam.
Here is my latest poem... I have to admit it's a little odd, but I still like it.
It’s so not odd. It’s like the life of everyone. In my opinion, the meaning to that is even if you have something you like, you always have to point out the bad stuff instead of just be thankful. Mainly for perfectionists, but we all feel like that sometimes too!
When I read this one, I thought about it for a second. It looks to me, like a series of excellent topics for poems instead of just one…Just like one of my motto’s, MORE IS ALWAYS BETTA!
Reasons why we luff Jan...
Jan…..*Remembers her riddle for Jan* This is cool!
Um… I really like this one too. It’s as if it’s a letter, but you look at it again and see the bold. You seem really good at being able to make your words flow right into the poem. WICKED!
I wrote this for a friend. They liked it alot. I hope all of you do to.
That’s so cute…Hey…I want a poem too! Pweezzz!
I don't show anyone my poems, except a select few poems that is.
Omg…That’s the same w/me. I’ve only shown them to you, Lai, and two of my real life best friends.
My Ode to Jello; Ok it's a little strange, but I thought it was funny none the less. *looks around*
THAT IS SO CUTE! Lol, I ran to eat jello once I read it! It’s not strange at all. I’ve wrote one on a Big Mac… I can’t believe I just said that…LOL! *Flees*
I wrote these last night. It's two poems, but they tell a story when together. I'm rather proud of these two at the moment so I hope you like them. Ohh and the title of the two is some what hidden in one of the poems.
OMg! You’re so creative. Your poems aren’t just poems they’re works of art. And yet you don’t give us all the details. You allow our minds to wander too! It’s awesome that you are able to write about you-know-what. *Stares Shocked*
Okay, now you have a whole story in a poem! WHAT CAN’T YOU DO!?!?!!?1
Lol, it’s awesome! I can’t wait for more! Just remember, no matter what anyone thinks, to me, You’ll always be perfect in a likable way! After all, you’re an Angel!
I’ll check in ASAP!
Luv Always,
Ur Pen pal,