Originally Posted by Rhiane Shwmae "Ganymede ... Hebe .. it's quite clear neither of you have read the books insightfully enough. While I do not object to that, you'd be better of being quiet and allowing others to speak, so that they might teach you something." Her eyes narrowed warily as she smiled and looked around the classroom. :: Ganymede frowned. "Well,.. " She started to say something, but she stopped and clamped her mouth shut. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hebecraft18 Hebe glares at the Professor, sending out a thought to Ganymede. "Sorry if I read that years ago. Unlike you who probably hasn't even heard of it." She took out some parchment and began writing. She wrote backwards and in cursive making it difficult for others to decipher. Ganymede stared ahead and tried to ignore her sister's thoughts. Unlike Hebe, Ganymede had no actual control on sending and recieving thoughts like her sister. She only knew that it only was between them. ::
__________________ <3~<3~Twenty or more years can change a person <3~<3~
Last edited by GanymedeCraft17; 07-10-2005 at 07:17 PM.