Grey Warden ✗ Fenris ♥ ✗ Archdemon Slayer ✗ Champion of Kirkwall Well since im bored nad I am in the mood to write,here is a poem for you people,feel lucky: Forest of Lurking By:Fate (me,noone else!) A calm wave a gentleness swept over me as I walked down the path towards the woods feeling my insides churn and flip flop like mixing butter and I think of what people are saying back home "Our baby is missing" and "We need to find her,where did she go!" the cries of longing are finally called out for the first time and I laugh as I walk further into the woods of dark and mystery to think even more,to get so lost in my thoughts I see a shadow in the moonlight in the crossing im sitting in the rustle of leaves behind me are frightening me the shadow gets closer and I can hear their heavy breathing ringing in the stillness of the night and in my ears The figure wrapped a clothe around my eyes making me see only white fabric and a dark thing in front of me well that is just part of a poem that I just made up,going to add more when I think of something....
Last edited by i m a g i n e; 07-10-2005 at 08:16 PM.