Hey Ally
Yay. I've never had one dedicated to me before, i feel honoured
Really? Well you deserve a lot more!

You got the super duper extra long post this time though!
aw, i love this line.
Me too actually. I'm a bit soft on the man

so I enjoy describing him, i.e.: he's looked in the mirror so much already! He was a bit vain anyway!
Good ol' Madame Marsh.
Oh yes!
Hmmm... Are you waiting for the HBP to come out...? Or is this me being totally random and wrong?
You are not wrong! But the answer to that is yes and no. When HBP arrives, I will very likely add details from it and refer to it. What I meant for all those who don't know a secret (but you do!), are they on to me about what is going on with Sirius?