Blast-Ended Skrewt
Join Date: Mar 2005 Location: CrazyTown
Posts: 16,126
| And now the rest... The Sweetest Thing Lissy De Vil Hospitality at the Inn Not soon enough, the bus finally arrived in London and came to a stop in front of an old brownstone building. “The Leaky Cauldron!” Oscar called and Sirius was more then grateful to exit the vehicle. He promised once more as he got out not to tell anyone about his free ride, then the bus sped away.
Sirius sighed and straightened his shoulders, he looked like heck, but there was nothing he could do about that. He just hoped that he wouldn’t see anyone he knew, though it was doubtful. His money situation wasn’t helping him either. He would just have to talk his way through. He smirked to himself, this could be fun.
The inside of the pub was dark and smoky. Various witches and wizards were seated at tables, eating and drinking, none that Sirius recognized, and no one gave him a second glance. He approached the landlord, a bald toothless man he heard someone call Tom.
“Excuse me,” Sirius said to man. “My uncle reserved a room here for me. He paid in advance. Under the name…” Sirius thought quickly about things he knew about Dumbledore and settled for something he read on the professor’s Famous Wizard card, “…Brian Wulfric.” (two of Dumbledore’s middle names)
Tom consulted his log. “Nope, I’ve got nothing under that name, kid. You sure you’re in the right place?”
Sirius widened his eyes in surprise. “That can’t be! I know I’m in the right place. My Uncle Albus said to check in here. Look again!”
“No mistake, boy, I don’t have you on here,” the landlord sounded irritated.
“My Uncle – Albus Dumbledore – wouldn’t lie,” Sirius continued the ruse, “he said to wait for him here and I will! If you’ll just let me send him an owl, I’m sure he’ll clear this up.”
The man’s expression of annoyance quickly turned wary, “Dumbledore, eh? Great man, great wizard. You’re really related to him?”
Sirius flashed the man a winning smile, “he’s my great, great, great – “
“Alright, enough. Don’t need to recite the family tree, gives me a headache. I’ll let you have a room and you can send an owl. If it doesn’t come back with payment by tonight, you’re out.” Tom took out a key and a roll of parchment and a quill for Sirius to use. “I’m only doing this because it’s Albus,” he reminded the young man.
“Brilliant!” Sirius grinned and sat down at a table to write his note to Dumbledore. He couldn’t sign his real name, of course, but he hoped that the use of Dumbledore’s own names would catch the man’s attention. That, and the fact that the professor had seen enough of Sirius’s test papers and homework (not to mention detention assignments) over the years to recognize his handwriting.
Sirius handed the parchment back to the proprietor who attached it to the leg of an owl. “Room 11,” the man told him, “and don’t go anywhere ‘til we get a response.”
“Sure thing!” Sirius said and headed upstairs. Room 11 sported a large four poster bead, a fireplace and a window that let in the mid day sunshine. Outside, he could hear people going about their day on Diagon Alley. On the wall was a mirror, Sirius couldn’t help going to look into it. It had been a long time since that reflection greeted him! He combed out the snarls in his long black hair with his fingers and admired the effect. He couldn’t wait to get cleaned up, but he figured that it wasn’t wise to ask anything else of Tom until Dumbledore got back to him.
“Vanity is a sin,” the mirror reminded Sirius as the boy preened for a few minutes longer.
“Who asked you?” Sirius asked, but turned away from the mirror. He was in a good mood, and itching to get out. He decided to use a little restraint, (it probably wasn’t wise to risk getting into trouble already) and not leave the room, though the sounds and smells coming from the open window were maddening. James or Remus could be out there right now! Sirius craned in head out the window but could see no one he knew. If he saw Peter though…
There was a knock at the door. A woman came in carrying a tray of food, “compliments of the manager,” she said.
“Well that’s just neighborly of him. Thank you,” Sirius drawled.
The woman blushed and smiled at him, unconsciously straightening her hair, “Well, erm, if you need anything else…?” she asked almost hopefully.
“Not just now, thanks,” Sirius’s eyes sparkled, he was enjoying this.
“Right then, see you…” the lady backed out of the door.
Sirius attacked his lunch in earnest, he was starved. He really hoped that Dumbledore understood his message. He had no idea how he was going to pay for this.
After eating, Sirius had nothing much else to do. It was all he could stand to be trapped in yet another room he couldn’t leave and he spent some time pacing the floor before flopping down on the bed to try and get some sleep. He must have succeeded because he was surprised from his dreams by an owl pecking at his hand. He took the letter from it’s leg and the bird flew back out the window. He read: “I’ve already paid the manager.
Stay in your room. Speak to no one. I’ll be there in two hours time.” D So Dumbledore obviously understood his letter, or was at least interested to find out who this Brian Wulfric was. “Another two hours, though,” he thought as if he had never waited longer. He sighed and flopped back on the bed…
He was startled into wakefulness once again, this time by a tall wizard with long white hair and beard apparating into the room.
“Dumbledore!” Sirius said by way of greeting. The Headmaster looked the same as ever, and Sirius wasn’t sure if he was ever more grateful to see the man’s crooked nosed visage.
Dumbledore peered at Sirius quizzically, if the professor was surprised at who he was seeing, he hid it quickly. “No time to lose, we must leave here,” he said.
“But wait, I fell through the veil and…” Sirius started.
“Not right now,” Dumbledore interrupted. “We’ll go back to Hogwarts, we can speak freely there.” The older wizard reached into a pouch and pulled out some floo powder. He lit the fireplace and gestured for Sirius to go first.
“Hogwarts, Headmaster”s Office!” he said. No new posts here for a couple of days now. Are you guys on to me yet?
I need to work on Operation Matchmaker which is just crying for attention! TTFN!!
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Last edited by Lissydove; 08-04-2005 at 10:19 PM.