Thread: Poetry: Angel's Poems
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Old 07-05-2005, 05:10 PM   #50 (permalink)
Antipodean Opaleye
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Katie Minnson

The Tree

It started life as a small seed, just like you and me
It fell onto a wild paddock and began to grow
It encountered many different obstacles but kept on like nothing had happened
It grew into a large and magnificent tree

Then one day children stumbled upon the tree
They hung up a swing and built a tree house
The tree enjoyed watching the young feisty children play
It started to look forward to the days when they would visit

After years of happiness the children grew up
They stopped playing house and didn’t swing with such lust
They came to visit less and less each year
The tree grew sad and each year the leaves drooped a little more

It seemed that the tree wasn’t going to live much longer
The bark lost its trim look
The leaves lost their luster
The branches lost their will to reach for the sun

One day a group of adults came to visit the tree
They looked at the tree with mixed emotions
The tree house had fallen apart, the swing hung by one rope
The tree was ashamed that the people had to see it this way

The adults just stood staring at the tree
Memories came flooding back bringing tears to their eyes
Almost at once they ran and hugged the tree
The tree noticed who they were, and the branches lifted up just a little

The adults started to come and visit the tree more often
Gradually the tree house was repaired with new additions added
New ropes were hung for the swing; the tree began to feel loved again
The branches started to lift a little higher

During the beginning of summer the adults came for their visit
They brought their children with them this time though
The new children looked at the tree curiously
It didn’t seem that interesting, not as fun as a video game

The tree was just as shocked as the children
It watched as the children hesitantly sat on the swing
It felt the once familiar tickle of little feet as they climbed into the tree house
Everything seemed perfect, but something wasn’t right

The adults sat nearby and watched their children
They laughed as random memories slid through their minds
After a few minutes of watching they all got up to joined their children
Now everything was perfect

I wrote this poem last night. I hope you all enjoy. It's ok Lety about the song, we'll get it written eventually.
Luke <3 Angel Pupness loves Angel mooore.
Katie Minnson- Third Year - Hufflepuff

Last edited by Angel8807; 07-05-2005 at 05:12 PM.
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