The Goblet of the Prince Seamus Finnegan is the Half-Blood Prince because in the books he says his mom is a witch and his dad is a muggle. Then he must be a Half-Blood so his dad could be King of England and mom be the Queen of Bulgaria. Seamus has been very quiet a few books and movies ago and well he must not know yet that he might be a prince yet. Seamus has not really been on the speaking terms on account that Seamus wasn’t in OotP a whole lot so for all we know he could have known eons ago. Harry and Seamus are best friends and we also don’t know why Seamus wouldn’t have told Harry that Seamus is maybe a prince. Seamus usually hangs around the Great Hall so he could be teleporting by Floo Powder to his parents and just maybe they are taking his memory to avoid him not knowing he his a prince.
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Last edited by Harry456; 07-03-2005 at 07:28 PM.