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Old 07-01-2005, 09:31 PM   #105 (permalink)
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ooc: *chuckles* Sorry, sorry!

Zekke chuckled. "Metro it is, I suppose. Off to the Metro Station, then!"

The Metro station was a rather short walk away and they arrived there in only a few minutes. If time wasn't so much of an issue, then he would have suggested walking, since the city of Paris was actually somewhat small, though compact. Six miles across wasn't a terribly long distance, was it?

But they were on a time constraint and with everyone being wizards and witches, he wasn't sure how accustomed everyone was to relying on their feet for their sole means of transportation, no pun intended.

As they entered the station, he pondered on the best option for tickets. He himself had a monthly pass because he might as well be considered a part-time Parisian, but what should the others get?

A one-day Mobilis pass? Or a Paris Visite pass?

If he remembered right, the Visite pass had a few extra bonuses tied to it and it covered ALL forms of Parisian mass transportation. That, and seeing as how often they'd probably take the Metro or take the bus, it was more economical than paying normal fare rates and more economical than the Mobilis pass.

Yes, yes... that probably would do.

ooc: Considering the length of time that Jaren's stayed with Zekke, would he already have a metro pass or something of the like? *doesn't remember if we said they did sightseeing on their own before or not*

With that in mind, he stepped up to the counter and bought the requisite number of Visite passes and collected a few maps, too, and handed them out.

"These will be good for two day's worth of traveling in the Paris area. You can ride any of the public forms of mass transportation - the Metro, the buses, tramway, nightbuses, whatever - and all you need are these two cards." He dug into his pocket and procured his pen and offered it to whoever snagged the pen first. "You all need to write your name on your card and write down your card's serial number on the ticket and make sure you have the cards handy when you're on the Metro or bus. The Metro operators sometimes like to randomly check to see if you have your tickets."

As he waited for the gang to finish filling out the information, he opened his wallet to check to make sure he had his own monthly pass.

ooc: Okay, last time, I promise! I did a little research on the Parisian mass transit system and came up with a few informational links to share. *felt bad about somehow mixing the Metro up with the Tube*

A map of the Metro system = HERE

Information on the Paris Visite passes = HERE

General information on the Metro = HERE


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