Thank you!! Here are a couple more... Climbing Up Drifting, Getting further and further away, I reach out to pull myself up, But find myself too far down. Sunk. In this huge hole, filled with darkness, Struggling to get out, With the fear that it's too late. It isn't. I see the light shining and catch it, It warms me up, And I climb. Higher and higher, Until I am free. Mountain We both fell down the mountain complete But only one of us returned to the top whole. I couldn't keep up and you wouldn't Stop So I tripped And fell Down Down Down To the bottom again. I cried And you laughed At me. I was confused And you scoffed Not bothering to hid that you thought I was stupid. I yelled for you Hoping you'd help me with The tough stuff. You ignored me. I slipped I saw your face. Hopeful. You hurt me And then I stopped caring For you. We finally climbed to the top again I was so proud. You laughed at me again So hard you slipped. Now you're still trying to climb Back up. And I'm laughing. |