Thread: Poetry: An ametuer's poems
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Old 06-28-2005, 02:26 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Amazing. I'm at a loss for words. too. I'm sorry. I didn't know my sister did this. I just wrote that a few days ago before I collapsed. I'm sorry...I didn't know she was doing this...I didn't know she went into my journal. I'm glad you like it.

That was just so...honest. I'm so impressed. That almost made me cry. I could never have been able to... It was very...gah, usually I'm so I cant find the words. It was very...heartfelt. I really do admire your honesty. I'm praying for you Shannon. And now I'm really crying. I cant even begin to pick out my favorite parts. The whole thing was just amazing. This is definitely going to stick with me...I mean, it wont be easily forgotten. I...cant find any words...

Love you heaps Shannon

Er...thank you. I didn't mean to ever have this posted. Honestly. I didn't know she did this. I just did it because I was worried before...well...It was an accident...I didn't anticipate posting it here. I try to be honest in my poetry. Sometimes it's the only thing that can let me be honest...writing, I mean. Thank you for your feedback. I love you too, CJ. Thank you.

Oh my gosh. That was SO beautiful. I'm sitting here crying over that poem. I can't think of anything to say because the poem tells everything. I can't pick out which parts I liked the best because I loved the entire thing. Shannon, I'm praying for you and I hope you get better soon. This is a poem that I will probably NEVER forget.

Love ya!

Thank you. I finally know what you were talking about in your PM. I honestly didn't know she did this. I don't know how to feel. I mean, I'm kind of upset at her for going through my journal like that. Most of my poems are for know, just rantings really about feelings I have...this was one of them. I'm happy that you like it, and thankful for your prayers. I love you too Sierra.

OMG! That was amzingly beautiful. It's so sad because its explaining Shannons life. It brought tears to my eyes, but later I will cry. Because Shannon, you don't deserve any of this. Your to kind and to nice. Your an amzing writer. You have some really really great talent. This poem is so touching. Luv you Shannon. Your in my prayers.
Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. I was crying when I wrote it, so I'm just glad you feel the same. THank you for the compliments. But everything happens for a reason, right? I mean, we can't appreciate the good without the bad. I'm just glad to be alive...Thank you, but I know a few better writers here than me. I thank you...I'm just doing what I love. And I love you too, and thank you for your prayers. You're in mine.

Oh...that was so honest, and so true. I don't know what to say was just so touching and moving.

Thanks. You don't have to say anything. Just thank you for everything. Love you Erin!

I really don't know what to say to that. No, wait I do. You say in the poem you want to make a difference, well I can tell you right now you already have.
Oh, V. *blushes* What can a poem or a fic do? Really?

You've made a world of difference right here on SS. Everyone you've met, you've touched in your own special way. You have affected all of us who know you, through your amazing writing and when you extended the hand of friendship to all of us.
*blushes more than ever* That is just in return for how good you all are to me. Really. I don't deserve you. I'm just so grateful to all of you.

I thank you, we all thank you, for being such a presence here and making us think about a lot of things. We have a lot to be grateful to you for. For example, if it hadn't been for you, we wouldn't have Ottery's amazing fic, as well as your own. You are an inspiration to all of us. If you're anything in 'real' life like you are on here, your friends and family are extremely lucky to have you. You are a truly amazing person Shannon, you have a rare gift - being able to touch a multitude of people, the world over, of all different races and religions and bring them together.
*blushing more than ever before* V...that's so sweet. But I just write. I just express what I feel on paper in my poems. My fic is made up nonsense, hardly really changing anyone. I'm so glad you think I inspire you...that means so much to me, and I'm so grateful to you. If I do have that gift, as you call it, it's only what I've learned from my family and friends and all of you and...I just want everyone to be happy and healthy. We all deserve that. It shouldn't matter where you come from or what you believe. We should all be happy.

You are a very talented young girl, you have lived your life to the full,
Thank you...but so are you...moreso than I...really, you're amazing at writing! I'd consider a profession if I were you! Thank you so much.

you have a long life ahead of you, you will find the man of your dreams, and you will live to ninety, maybe even older, and do you know why that is Shannon? Because you are too special to be lost so soon, and we, all of us here on SS are behind you, praying for you, supporting you. You may be an angel, but God can't have you back yet, we need you here, and he understands that. I don't have to tell you how much that poem touched me, or how it made me cry, because it goes without saying
Lol. The man of my dreams? It seems so impossible when you're sixteen and you can't seem to find that boy who really makes an impression on you...I just hope that I live half as long as my great-grandparents. (They celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary on Wednsday!) And they are still so in love after all that time! I thank you for everything: Love, prayers and confidence. You're all angels...heavensent, I hope you know that. I'm glad you liked the poem. I wasn't planning on posting it...but too late now, right?

I love and thank you all! You're all the best! Thank you so much!

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