Join Date: Oct 2004 Location: USA
Posts: 34
| Thanks for the comments! Here's a flower for you and another post! Chapter 9
Skipping down to lunch later that day, Hermione felt so happy she thought her heart would burst. But as she rounded the corner into the Great Hall and saw Harry and Ron waiting for her with disgust on their faces, her stomach dropped. She turned and walked back around the corner.
She ran down the hall, down two staircases, down another hall and ended up outside the Slytherin common room. “Oh, Draco, please be here,” she whispered to herself, staring at the door. The door started to open, and she hid behind a statue. But when a head with white-blond hair appeared, she threw herself into Draco.
Draco was surprised, but not so much that he couldn’t comfort Hermione. “What’s wrong?” he asked, pulling her into a tighter hug.
“Harry and Ron,” Hermione found tears were coming out of her eyes. “They were waiting for me outside the Great Hall and I could just tell they knew, Draco, they know about us. And I’m scared.” Hermione buried her face in Draco’s chest once more, and Draco realized what would happen if anyone from his house found them like this. Hermione found herself being dragged behind the same statue she had jumped out from behind.
“They’re your friends, can’t you just tell them?” Draco knelt down in front of her, and Hermione sat on his knee.
“You know how much they hate you!” Hermione found Draco’s hand through her blurred vision and held it tightly in her own. “They wouldn’t even give you a chance. Then where would I be?”
“With me,” Draco said, sitting and pulling her onto his lap.
“But Harry and Ron and I have been through so much!” Hermione cried even harder.
“And those are great memories. But if they can’t accept the way you feel, then are they truly your friends, Hermione?”
Hermione wiped the tears from her eyes. “Thanks,” she said, giving him a hug and kiss.
“Ready to go face them together?” Draco asked.
Chapter 10
Draco and Hermione walked back to the Great Hall, hand in hand, heads held high. It felt as though they were walking to their doom, and when they saw Harry and Ron’s faces, they knew this would be a real battle.
“Hermione, what are you doing?!” Ron stepped forward and tried to break their hands apart while Harry watched. Hermione shoved Ron.
Ron looked as though she had slapped him. “Hermione, do you know what you’re getting into?” Harry asked, glaring at Malfoy.
“You mean what I’m already in?” Hermione glared at Ron. “Why is this a problem? Why can’t you guys just put your differences aside?”
“Because it’s him!” Ron burst out angrily. “That ferret who thinks he has a right to do whatever he wants!” Malfoy didn’t reply to Ron’s challenge.
“You don’t deserve her,” Harry stepped toward Malfoy menacingly.
“Do you think you do?” Malfoy also stepped forward, his hand still in Hermione’s.
“THIS IS SO STUPID!” Hermione burst out. “Harry, Ron, it’s MY decision who I date, NOT YOURS! So stop trying to control MY life and be a little more concerned with YOURS! I know you guys and Draco haven’t had the best times together, but can’t you just PLEASE try to GET ALONG for MY SAKE?!”
Harry and Ron had been backing away throughout this whole outburst, while Draco looked at Hermione with respect and a little fear, too. “GOD, WHY can’t every one just THINK ABOUT THEMSELVES and not WORRY or CARE about EVERYONE ELSE?! AND U GUYS ESPECIALLY! You KNOW your grades are HORRIBLE, WHY don’t you STUDY more instead of FOLLOWING ME around and CARING so much WHAT I DO?!”
Harry didn’t know much at that moment, but he did know one thing: he was scared. Very scared. And by the look on Ron’s face, he was terrified. “Um, Hermione, we weren’t following you, we just wanted to talk to you-“
“YA RIGHT!” Hermione’s face was extremely red from a lot of shouting and not a lot of air. “YOU WERE GOING TO TRY AND MAKE ME FEEL GUILTY BY SAYING YOU DIDN’T SEE A LOT OF ME ANYMORE AND TRY AND GET ME TO STOP SEEING DRACO!” Ron and Harry exchanged guilty glances. “I KNEW IT! JUST GO BEFORE I REALLY GET MAD!” Harry and Ron turned and fled.
“Wow,” Draco said when Hermione’s face had returned to its normal color, “I’ll remember never to get on your bad side.” Hermione smiled.
Good girls are bad girls who don't get caught!