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Old 06-08-2005, 01:44 AM   #7 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: USA
Posts: 34

Haha sorry I posted the same thing twice! I didn't even realize it! Lol I'll post what I should have posted before AND what I'm supposed to post now.

Chapter 5

At 4:45, Hermione left the common room and went down three flights of stairs, out the front door, and walked over to the green houses. “Malfoy?” she whispered, looking around the corner. She felt something grab her arm and as she turned around to scream, a hand covered her mouth, muffling the sound.

“Shh!” Malfoy whispered, “Do you want the whole school to know we are out here?” “Draco, why couldn’t we just meet in our common room?” “I like it outside better. C’mon.” Draco took her hand and led her down to the lake, sitting down under a large tree. Hermione stood and watched him.

“Well, come on, sit down.” Malfoy patted the ground next to him and Hermione sat. “Why did you want me to meet you?” Hermione stared at the lake, not at him. “Are you asking the lake?” Malfoy joked, cupping her chin with his hand and turning her head toward him. “I’m here, not in there.” “Sorry.”

There was a moment of silence. “I asked you because I wanted to apologize for getting us in trouble. And to say I’m really happy you’re going to the dance with me.” Hermione nodded. “But what will I wear?!” she moaned, pretending to be distressed. Draco laughed. “We can go down to Hogsmeade and find something if you want.” “Ok.”

“I really like you, Hermione,” Draco said, taking her hand in his. “You must, if you were willing to stand up to Snape,” Hermione laughed. So did Draco. “I’ve wanted to do that since 2nd year, believe me,” Draco looked out to the lake, then back at Hermione. Hermione looked up at Draco and said, “I really like you, too, Draco.”

Chapter 6

The next morning, Hermione woke up to find Draco searching hysterically around her room. “Wha…?” “I’ve lost it!” “Lost what?” Hermione sat up and rubbed her eyes. “My badge! My Head Boy badge!” Draco began to search through her school bag. “Relax, Draco,” Hermione said, lying back down. “How can I relax? I never lose anything!” “Except your brain,” Hermione looked over at him. “You put it in your school bag last night so you wouldn’t forget it, and now look what happened.” Draco looked up from his searching. “Oh my God, you’re right!” he dashed down the stairs, emptied out his school bag, and found it sitting on top of his Potions book. “You’re a genius, Hermione!” Draco raced back up the stairs to thank her. “What have I been telling you all these years?” Hermione smiled. “Never underestimate the powers of moi.” “I won’t again, believe me.” Draco leaned over the bed and kissed her forehead. “What was that for?” Hermione asked, sitting up. “For helping me out.” Draco gave her one of his heart-melting grins and headed out of her room. Hermione sighed and lay back, sinking into her pillows.
Chapter 7
The night of the dance arrived. Hermione and Draco had gone to Hogsmeade and found the perfect dress, a sky blue silk strapless one with silver sparkly stars all over it. “Wow,” was all Malfoy could say when she came down her staircase. She also had on sky blue eye shadow, mascara and a little eyeliner, and her hair was curled with silver ribbons in it. “Do you like it?” Hermione did a mock model walk and a twirl. “You look beautiful.” “You don’t look so bad yourself!” Hermione noticed his tux and hair, not to mention his beautiful gray eyes. “Why, thank you,” Malfoy grinned. “That looks even better,” Hermione said. “Should I smile throughout the whole dance?” Malfoy laughed. “As long as your cheeks don’t hurt!” “They do already,” Malfoy complained, leading her out of the common room. “I’m sure you’ll get over it,” Hermione laughed, giving him a peck on the cheek. We’ve never full out kissed, just a peck on the cheek or the forehead, Hermione thought. Why haven’t I kissed her yet? Draco thought. I’ll do it tonight, he decided.

“Do you want to dance?” Malfoy asked. “Sure,” Hermione replied, taking his hand and leading him out onto the dance floor. As they danced, Hermione leaned her head against his shoulder (her heels made her much taller), and Malfoy rested his cheek against her head. Can we stay like this forever? Hermione thought.

But the dance ended, and Draco led Hermione out into the garden next to the school. They sat down on a bench facing a waterfall, and Draco took Hermione’s hand. As she leaned her head against his shoulder, Hermione said to Draco, “I’m really glad you asked me to come with you.” Draco swallowed and said, “Hermione, will you be my girlfriend?” Hermione sat up straight and said, “Yes!” “Good,” Draco said, looking into her eyes. Then, leaning his head down, he kissed her.

Hermione was caught by surprise, but that did not stop her from kissing him back. I’ve dreamt about this so many times and its coming true, Hermione thought as many feelings and sensations filled up inside her. Running her fingers through his hair, Hermione thought of how his lips felt on hers, how soft and gentle they were, yet seeming to know exactly what she wanted. Malfoy increased pressure, and his hand slid up her side. Hermione moved closer to him as his tongue found its way into her mouth.

Malfoy was amazed. Wow, he thought, this is way different than kissing any other girl, and I’ve kissed a lot. Her skin was so soft, and her hair so silky. Her lips were full and soft and she was a magnificent kisser. Why didn’t I kiss her sooner? Malfoy asked himself.

Finally Hermione pulled back with much difficulty. “This isn’t the place for anything that is going to happen,” she told him. “No,” he agreed, “but I know a place that is.” Putting his arm around her, Draco led her back into the castle and up to their common room.

Sitting down on the couch, Draco pulled Hermione onto his lap and they picked up where they left off. Draco said when they came up for air, “The portrait hole is locked, right?” “Yeah,” Hermione replied, kissing him. “Good.” Draco kissed her again, his hands sliding up her skirt. He continued past her hips and up her back to the clip on her bra, which he unhooked. Hermione pulled her arms out of the sleeves of her dress and shook off her bra, leaving her breasts exposed. Hermione shivered from not having her upper body clothed, but Draco felt the shiver and pulled her closer to him. She wasn’t cold anymore.

Draco shifted so Hermione was lying on the couch with him beside her. There wasn’t much room, but they didn’t mind the closeness at all. Hermione began to unbutton Draco’s shirt and slip it off. When she was done, Draco started kissing her chest instead, while Hermione ran her fingers through his hair. Why didn’t I kiss him sooner? She asked herself.

Finally Draco returned to her lips, and Hermione shrugged off her dress that was hanging around her hips. While Hermione was taking off her shoes, Draco unzippered his pants, the two of them still connected at the lips. Draco discarded his pants onto the floor, and off came his shoes and socks, also.

Their hands sliding over each other’s bodies, Hermione realized how close they were to having sex. The thought scared her.

“Draco,” she said in between kisses. “Yeah?” Draco began sliding his hands up and down her sides. “We’re not having sex.” “I wasn’t planning on it.” “But it looks like it’s going to happen.” “It won’t. Trust me.” “Ok.”

They finally fell asleep in each other’s arms on the couch, a blanket pulled over them and the fire roaring in the fireplace.
Chapter 8

Hermione woke up to find Draco stroking her hair and watching her sleep. It was still dark outside and the fire was almost out. “Good morning,” Hermione said, rolling over onto her back. “Good morning,” Draco whispered, giving her a kiss. Hermione almost smiled she was so happy. Instead she erupted into a fit of giggles as a funny thought struck her.

Malfoy pulled back. “What’s so hilarious?” Hermione almost fell off the couch from laughing. “Remember,” she gasped for air, “in third year,” more gasping, “when I slapped you?” Malfoy frowned. “Yeah, that hurt!” Malfoy rubbed his cheek which made Hermione laugh even harder. Draco chuckled.

Finally Hermione calmed down and looked out the window. “Hey, the sun’s rising!” “Yeah,” Malfoy looked out the window, too. They looked back at each other and no further words were needed. They grabbed their clothes, thrust them on, and ran out of the common room and down the halls. They walked out of the front doors giggling and holding hands and stopped underneath a tree by the lake. The sun was coming up on the opposite bank and was reflecting in the water.

They settled down in each other’s arms leaning against the tree and watched the sunrise. “You know, it was that sunrise at your house when I first figured out I liked you,” Draco said, slipping his arm around her waist. “Ditto,” Hermione said, snuggling closer to him. Hermione sighed. “I wish I still had my time turner.” “What?” Draco looked at her sharply. “Oh, sorry, you don’t know about that.” Hermione looked up at him. “In 3rd year I had a lot of classes and a lot of them were at the same times, so McGonagall gave me a time turner so I could get to all of them, and it ended up coming in handy later.” Hermione looked into his gray eyes. “I just wish I had it now so I could maybe figure out a way to freeze time.” To her surprise, Draco’s eyes turned blue. “Whoa!” “What?” Draco looked around. “Your eyes!” Hermione gasped. “What about them?” “They turned blue!” Draco frowned. “But they are gray.” “I know, but they turned blue, and now they are-“Hermione looked, “gray again.”

Hermione had an idea. She suddenly pulled Draco’s head down into a kiss, a very passionate one. Pulling his head back, she looked into his eyes. They were blue.

“Your eyes are blue again!” “You can’t be serious.” “I’m dead serious.” “So what, it just happens after I look at you or kiss you?” “I guess.” Hermione looked up at him. “I like it.”

“I think it’s freaky. But if you like it, I don’t think I mind it so much.” Draco smiled, and Hermione’s heart almost melted.
Good girls are bad girls who don't get caught!
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