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Old 06-02-2005, 10:52 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Chapter 3

When he arrived at the Granger’s house, he looked around, taking in his surroundings. “How long am I going to have to stay here?” he asked. “Until we get to school,” Hermione replied, starting up the stairs. “Come on, I’ll show you your room.”

Hermione opened a door into a medium sized room painted light blue with one window that had white frilly curtains, a pale green rug, a twin sized bed with a white coverlet, and a closet full of old dresses. “Uh…” was all Malfoy could say. “Sorry, this is the only spare room.” “We could trade rooms,” Malfoy suggested. “Mine is pink.” “Ah, never mind. This one will do just fine.”

When Malfoy woke up, he dragged himself out of bed and down the stairs into the kitchen. “Granger?” he called, wanting to know when breakfast was. He looked all around for her when he found her watching the sunrise out in the back garden.

“Good morning, Draco,” Hermione smiled up at him. “Who are you and what have you done with Granger?” Draco stared at her as though she had two heads. “What’s the matter?” “You called me Draco!” “So?” “So you always call me Malfoy!” “I’ve decided I like Draco better.” Hermione went back to staring at the sky, and Malfoy joined her on the bench. They were both still in their pajamas, Hermione with short-shorts and a sports bra, Malfoy with boxers.

“Do you, uh, know when we can get to school?” Malfoy asked, not looking at her. “No, I haven’t heard back from Dumbledore yet.” “Did you get an owl?” “Yes.” “Oh.” There was an awkward silence. Draco moved a little closer to Hermione. “Are you a little cold?” “Not really.” “Oh.” Another silence. “Hermione, I…” “Yeah?” “Never mind.” “No, tell me!” “No, really, it’s not important.” “Yes it is, I hate when people don’t tell me things!” “Trust me, I’ll tell you! Just…not now.” Draco got up from the bench and left Hermione sitting confused on the bench. What Hermione didn’t know was that Draco was finding her to be a much different person than he thought, and he actually liked her. As more than a friend.

Chapter 4

After they got back to school, it was announced there would be a welcome back dance on September 31st. “Well, Malfoy will get a chance to wear his dress robes now,” Hermione thought, glancing over at him. Why does he have to be so hot? She asked herself, watching him flirt with a Slytherin girl. What if he flirted with me? She wondered. What if he kissed me? Would I kiss him back? Would I let him kiss me at all? Would I let him hold me? What if…stop! She told herself. That isn’t going to happen anyway. But she couldn’t lie to herself. Ever since that morning at her house when Malfoy had said that he would tell her later, she had been wondering if he was going to say he liked her. Because she couldn’t deny it any longer. She liked him. She always had. She never said anything because of Ron and Harry’s hatred toward him. I want that all to change, she thought. Little did she know that so did Draco. They had been avoiding each other in their common room and in their classes for two weeks, and Hermione was near the bursting point. I have to talk to him soon, she thought. Otherwise, I might explode.

In potions that day, Draco’s table was near Hermione’s, and he passed a slip of parchment to her. Opening it up, she read it and almost shrieked. A large grin grew on her face. She scribbled ‘yes’ on the parchment and was about to give it back when Professor Snape saw her.

“Miss Granger, can you answer two questions for me? One, what do you find so joyful about frog’s intestines, and second, what does that note say?” Hermione’s face grew very pink. “I…” “Just bring up the note and possibly we will see what you are so happy about.” Hermione brought up the note and watched Snape read it. A smirk grew on his face, while Malfoy’s jaw clenched in anger.

“Well, everyone, it seems Miss Granger now has a date for the dance.” The Slytherins laughed. But not Malfoy. His face was getting redder by the second. “Anyone foolish enough to ask a know-it-all to the dance does not deserve to be a wizard.”

“So I shouldn’t be a wizard?” Malfoy stood up and everyone gasped. Hermione smiled. “I’ve tormented Hermione and her friends for 6 years now and she is still willing to go to the dance with me.” “That just shows that Miss Granger is not as smart as she says she is.” “That’s not true!” Malfoy took a step forward. “She’s smarter than anyone here. She should be teaching this class!” The classroom grew dead silent and the smile faded off of Hermione’s face.

“Detention for both of you tonight. Report to my office at 7 o’clock.” The class resumed talking and as Hermione came back to her seat, Draco touched her shoulder and whispered in her ear, “Meet me by the greenhouses at 5.” Hermione nodded and sat down. Harry and Ron stared at her like she had 3 heads.
Good girls are bad girls who don't get caught!
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