Thread: Poetry: 'Life, Love, and Teardrops'
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Old 06-01-2005, 10:27 PM   #17 (permalink)
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I'm so glad you guys like them! Maybe eventually i can gather up the courage to show them to my Dad--the REAL writer in the family. Any remote writing skills i have are from him....

Anyway, thanks for your support guys! this is really a great way for me to express myself and it helps.

Let's see what's up next...i should prolly redo the order and add mah new poems *opens Word*

Ok...these are getting a bit more personal >.< Meh, I guess it'll be ok...*prays he won't ever, ever read these*

Also, i'm trying to put these in an order that sort of tell a story--like Ralph Fletcher's "Room Enough for Love."

You Would

I want to make you sorry
I want to make you pay
Because I cry
Day after day

I want you to feel my hurt
I want you to know my pain
I want you to know
You're driving me insane

But i can't.

Because I think it would hurt you
To know you’re hurting me

Because I think
It's not your fault

I think that if you could be
There for me

You would

And if you could see
Me again

You would

And if it could be just you and me

It would

So the hurt is mine
The pain is my secret

Because i would never hurt you
Like you have me.

FairyHr: I'd love to read your poems!--would ya mind giving me a link? I'm horribly lazy >.<

Last edited by lexy91112; 04-15-2007 at 06:45 AM. Reason: *yawn*
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