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Old 05-30-2005, 05:20 PM   #23 (permalink)
Adyna Laurent
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Join Date: Dec 2004
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Posts: 94

Originally Posted by GanymedeCraft17
:: Ganymede slouched in her chair with her Slytherin green and silver ballcap on. She just walked out of a tight situation that almost had her in detention. Her blue hair peaked out from under the cap. She was still too nervous to even attempt a change. She sighed and tried to relax anyway and managed to go back to her natural purple hair and eyes. ::
She purses her lips as Ganymede enters. "Accio hat!" she calls, the hat zooming into her hands. Rhiane observes it and then stores it in one of her many desk drawers. "I believe that breaks the New Hogwarts Code of Conduct, madam. 10 points from Slytherin."
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