Join Date: Oct 2004 Location: USA
Posts: 34
| Unwanted Love - Sa13+ Draco and Hermione find love, but it won't last if Harry, Ron, and Ginny have anything to say about it!!!
Disclaimer: I don't own the whole Harry Potter idea and characters and all that.
Ok this is the first part tell me what you think!!! Chapter 1
As Hermione dashed through the platform to the Hogwarts’ train, her suitcase bumping against her legs as she ran, she thought, I can’t miss the train, I’m Head Girl! I’ll end up driving a flying car to Hogwarts like Harry and Ron did in 2nd year… please don’t let me miss it!
But Hermione wasn’t the only one running for the train. Draco Malfoy, who never disgraced himself by running in public, was late and also couldn’t miss the train. He had three large suitcases and was attempting to carry them all by himself, which wasn’t working out as well as he had hoped.
Hermione saw Malfoy running ahead, and decided she was going to beat him to the train. Urging her legs to run faster, she sprinted ahead. Man, she thought, he even looks good running for a train!
There’s Granger, trying to catch up to me, Draco thought. Well, it isn’t going to happen. Draco tried to run faster, but his three suitcases caused him to fall. Lying sprawled on the ground, Draco saw Hermione run past him. Yeah, that’s right, he thought, just leave me here.
Hermione saw Draco fall and found it extremely amusing. To see the high and mighty Malfoy sprawled on the ground, dirty and tired, with three suitcases around him was just too much. Hermione started snorting with laughter. But as she ran by him and saw the defeated look on his face, Hermione decided it wasn’t right. She stopped and retraced her steps back to his side.
“Are you alright?” she asked. Draco looked up into her chocolate brown eyes and almost, for one instant, believed she meant it. “Why do you care?” he asked, standing up and gathering his suitcases. “Well, you don’t look too good,” Hermione said, at the same time thinking, No, he doesn’t look good, he looks gorgeous.
“I think I’ll live. I’m not that vain that I have to look perfect every waking moment,” Malfoy said. Hermione snorted. “What, you don’t believe me?” “No, I don’t.” “Well, I’ll just..”
He looked up. The train had left. He and Hermione were the only ones on the platform.
Chapter 2
“What do we do now?” Hermione sighed. “You’re the one who knows everything, Granger, you tell me.” “We should probably send an owl to Hogwarts,” Hermione said. “Granger, do I have a bird cage with me? No! How are we going to get an owl on a deserted platform?!” Malfoy yelled. “I don’t know, I was just thinking!” Hermione yelled back.
“Ok, we can’t just start yelling, or we’ll never get to school.” Malfoy looked around the platform. “We could walk and follow the tracks.” “If we want to get there by Christmas!” Hermione glared at him. “It takes 6 hours to get there by train; can you imagine how long it would take to walk?” “Well, do you have one of those..” Malfoy made gestures with his hands. “Those things that you talk into and someone else can hear you?” “Oh, telephones?” Hermione laughed. Of course Malfoy wouldn’t know what a phone was, but it was very funny to see him playing charades. “No, I don’t have one, and neither does Hogwarts.”
“Then how do we get there?!” Malfoy groaned. “I have absolutely no idea,” Hermione replied, sitting on her suitcase. “Do you think they’d realize that we weren’t there and they’d send someone looking for us?” “Well, they’d definitely come looking for the Head Boy.” Malfoy smirked. “Well, guess what,” Hermione smirked back, “you’re looking at the Head Girl.” “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Malfoy sat on his suitcase and hung back his head. “Of all the girls in our school, it had to be you!”
“I have the best grade average in this school, Malfoy, who did you expect? Pansy Parkinson?” “Oh no, she’d be worse,” Malfoy shuddered. “She’s totally obsessed with me and I don’t like her. Actually, I hate her!”
“How nice of you,” Hermione looked around. Maybe we could go back through the platform and call my parents on a public phone. They might have an idea, or they could at least come and pick us up.” “Oh great, more muggles,” Malfoy sighed and stood up. “That’s the best idea we’ve had so far, so let’s go with it.”
“My mom is coming to pick us up,” Hermione informed Draco after hanging up the public phone. “Whatever.” “Ok.” The two stood against the wall for a minute, glancing at each other every so often but never at the same time. “So…” Hermione said. “Anyways…” They looked at each other. “We should probably, uh, go out in front of the station.” “Yeah, good thinking.” Picking up their bags, Malfoy offered, “Do you want me to carry your bag for you?” “You have enough trouble with your own bags, silly. What is it you have in there, hair products?” Hermione looked at the black bags with DM painted on them in green. “No, it’s a lot of robes.” “We get laundry done every week, how many do you need?” “I have a lot of dress robes, too.” “We don’t have that many dances; you only really need one pair.” “Just drop the subject, ok?!” “Alright!” Malfoy didn’t want to tell her that they really were full of hair products.
Good girls are bad girls who don't get caught!