...................................I dunno, they sound like they're crying. I'm sure the church I used to attend will be demolished, but I wouldn't hold a grudge. A whole building for a reading room? Why couldn't that money have been spent on something else? Im reading the article, before reading I was for supporting (keeping the club), but now, I'm back on the fence thinking that these people are a bit nuts. It doesn't say who owns the building, whoever owns it should be the one to deal with this, not JK. If the owner sells to allow it to be demolished, then JK shouldn't be blamed. I'm sure this debate has been going on longer than that. It would be impractical to demolish a building for - 1, 2 more books? There's more to this than what meets the eye. Sounds to me like they may be trying to drag JK into something she has no control over.
We'll always be together cuz we're both under the moon |