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Old 05-24-2005, 03:55 PM
evlpez evlpez is offline
Default The Half-Blood Prince Drabble Challenge - July 1 - Sa9+

The Half-Blood Prince Drabble Challenge

Write your own version of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince using exactly 100 words (no more, no fewer)! All entries must have a unique title and be prose, in grammatically correct english.


Only submissions are allowed in this topic. Discussion or comments are to be posted in the Writers' Week Discussion Thread.

Questions about this challenge may be posted in the Writers' Week Guidelines Thread.

This thread will open at 8am Mountain Time on July 1st and be closed 24 hours after opening. There will be no extensions.

Voting will begin as soon as it's closed, and last 24 hours. Choose your favorite drabble based on quality of writing and content.