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Old 05-21-2005, 01:01 PM   #10 (permalink)
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I doubt anyone's going to read this, but I was bored so...

What Do You Do?

What do you do when it's quarter to nine,
And you're already late as it is?
What do you do when you study your books,
But you want a career in show biz?

What do you do when you really can't sleep,
And you toss and you turn in your bed?
What do you do when the homework piles up,
And you feel like your losing your head?

What do you do when your best friend won't talk
When she always has something to say?
What do you do when you're in love with a boy
Who won't give you the time of his day?

What do you do when you just want to scream
At the top of your agonized voice?
What do you do when your folks ask advice,
But you know you don't have any choice?

What do you do when you feel goofy inside,
And your cheeks turn embarrassment red?
What do you do in your mortified state,
And it's facing your peers that you dread

What do you do when you have a problem
About life, about love, about chance or...
What do you do when your last hope is gone,
And no one can give you the answer?


It is said to move a mountain
It can steal a baby's cry
It pours gold from it's flowing fountain
It is something that can never die

It is terribly bitter sweet
It is not easily shaken
It is reflected in those you come to meet
It can't be bought, sold or taken

It is stronger with every breath that I take
It can pull a family through
It is a bond that is never easy to break
It is rejected by few

What is theis force given from above?
This wonder power happens to be love.

Ok. That's it. You can come and laugh your head off now. lol

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