1) Which is your favourite piece of work by John Webster and why? Also, which is your favourite quote from one of his pieces of work and why?
2) Write a detailed account of the life of John Webster.
3) What was the state of the Muggle World like in the time of John Webster? Write about the hierarchy, the monarchy, the social/political/economical/cultural and religious status of the country (UK).
4) Translate the following passage into modern English. What does the language tell you about the piece? Analyse it as closely as you can.
"Fall in a frost and leave his print in snow:
As soon as the sun shines, it never melts,
Both form and matter. I have ever thought
Nature doth nothing so great, for great men,
As when she's pleased to make them lord of truth:
'Integrity of life is fame's best friend,
Which nobly, beyond death, shall crown the end'."
('The Duchess of Malfi' - Act 5, Scene 5, lines 115 - 121)
ALL assignments are worth TWENTY points each, maximum.
Homework must be PMed to ME. The deadline is