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Old 05-15-2005, 03:28 PM   #144 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by CrazyMoonyFan
Lee groaned, she had heard him, this was bad. He could tell her straight or he could extend it so she figured it out for herself "do you really need me to answer that Professor? you subject may just be about 'plants' but common-sense is something most of us are born with, and supposedly the ministry are supposed to be filled with it." Lee answered back.
Professor Virohsa closed her arms as she walked closer to the boy. "RESPECT! A word you do not appear to know!", she snapped. "You will apologize dearly to the class and to me, your Professor", she warned. "You will tell the class and you shall cooperate with the class civilly. No more of this outrageous behavior, child!", she said as she watched him carefully.
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