Nadia blinked at the professor's two answers but still her face pretty much showed no emotion. Only when the professor had turned away she allowed herself a grimace. A rather 'oh-please' kind of grimace.
"Ah, my clever Slytherin friend... you are full of questions today. That simply means that insidious garbage such as what was published last term is not to be continued. Poisonous, venemous words that were biased and specifically intended to create dissension."
Nadia raised her hand again, though right now it looked like she was doing it out of hobby, "Would you mind giving us your opinion for safety-guidance; do you think outside publications like the Quibber and the Daily Prophet are included in those?"
"Also, do you think it's safer in the Common Rooms or in another part of the castle?" she added her hand held high. These questions were asked with no emotion but also, to Nadia, with no purpose. It was like she had found some enjoyment from asking stupid questions to the incapable teacher.