Professor Virohsa looked at the Ravenclaw girl. "They resemble a fertilizer in a way.. since they are the feed.", she nodded. "1 pt for Ravenclaw, for a good guess".
She looked at Kali and grinned proudly. "Oh yes! These rocks are not particularly rocks, but a concentration of nutrients, heavily loaded on iron. The dust, is simply rocks that were grinded previously by your fellow students", she nodded. "3 pts shall be awarded for your careful observation", she smiled.
Then turning her attention to the rest of the class, she nodded. "Please start giving your plants different dosages of the materials outlined by the blackboard. Depending on what you mix, your plant may lose its green color, turn reddish, turn yellowish, or remain the same. Also note any other behaviors exhibited by your plant. I will come around, if you have any other questions", she explained. |