Professor Virohsa nodded. "Very well, Nadia. Your answer was correct and exhaustive. However, you are not above school and classroom rules. In order to ensure that you and your other classmates do not forget to raise their hand, I will take away 6 pts from Slytherin. 3 pts for your behavior, child. And 3 pts for Alex's identical behavior", she warned.
"Any more rule-breaking behavior", she warned the class, "will result in harsher punishment. You will find that I reward those who obey the rules, not those who walk around them."
She looked at Raven, who seemed somewhat disillusioned. "No need to worry, child. Your answer was correct. It does help in exorcism of mind control and some fatal poisons. However, it does not have any properties that would protect.. or legally bind you", she nodded. "2 pts for Ravenclaw"
"Any other guesses, before we begin to work?", she asked the class.
Last edited by fr2nc1z; 05-14-2005 at 06:56 PM.
Reason: Forgot to add pts