ooc: I swear it was beyong my control!

I'm an evil, evil one...
Nadia shook her head at the suggestion of staying still. She stood without another thought and moved to face Zekke, to nod, and make her way to said bathroom. Every now and then her hand would move to the side of her head again. "I'm fine, I'm no muggle," she commented.
She hadn't heard the part about actually waiting for him and when Zekke was back (man, she didn't notice the part about him leaving!) she looked up, taking the vial from him and taking it in one sip without thinking. She couldn't even remember what the potion was supposed to do but oh well.
She nodded once more at Zekke's explanation, laughing, or attempting to, a bit and started to climb up with Ganymede, chuckling too at her slidding comment. Entering the room, now, Nadia gazed about coughing from taking the potion or medicine or whatever it was. What a peculiar taste, actually... And the rolling had made wonders with the just-ingested croissants in her stomach. Nevermind that now, she could have agreed out loud with Ganymede but instead just contented herself with going directly to the bathroom and taking said bath. The sooner she was over with it the better.
"Be back in a minute," she commented to the group as they greeted Jaren's pet raven and Ying, and closing the door behind her.